Family Magazine

Coo Coose Review

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Coo Coose ReviewWe were sent the coochi coo coose to try out courtesy of Baby&More! Now if you're like me, you'll be thinking, what on earth is a Coo Coose

Well, It's a towel apron! Which basically means you wear it around your neck so when your little one is ready to get out of the bath, you can quickly and comfortably dry them whilst holding them close! It also includes a hood which is perfect for baby's first months too! My favorite part is that it keeps your hands free, so no quickly grabbing the towel with one hand and quickly wrapping it round baby, you can pick them straight up, wrap them against your chest and keep them snug, definitely made me feel more confident! 

Coo Coose Review

100% pure soft cotton (seriously, it's softer than soft!)
Extra large in size, 140cm x 140cm
Perfect for mums and dads
Pre-warmed by your body
Easy to fit and use
Comforts your baby quickly and pleasantly
Keeps both your hands free for safe and calm bathing
Protects you from splashes
Ultra absorbent
Quick drying 

Also the winner of many awards including; Gold Practical Preschool Award 2012 and Silver Right Starts Best Baby Essential 2012!Coo Coose Review
Coo Coose ReviewThis is a must have for any parent, I can't believe I hadn't heard of it before if I'm honest, it's amazing, I wonder if they can make an adult version just for the softness? :) The extra large size means it can be used for the toddler years too!
To purchase your very own click here!
And for more amazing products for bath time, feeding, sleep time and even out and about visit their website too and follow them on Facebook!
What are your little ones like in the bath? Do they like it or dislike it?
Coo Coose Review

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