Travel Magazine

Convivence Rules When Travelling

By Raquelritz @RaquelRitz
Over the years I had the chance to travel with many different people: partners, friends, relatives, workmates and even strangers. I have traveled alone too, and that is very challenging! My fellow travel mates go from people that have traveled extensively to those ones that haven't left their native country.
Let´s face it: travelling is an adventure and not everyone is ready for it. Anyone can become the best or worst mate, no matter how much you love him/her, you can end up thinking: this is the last time we travel together.
Did it happen to me? Yes. Have I been one of those whose friends think: WTF is wrong with you? Mea culpa, I have to assume it. There are people that have never traveled before and you are surprised how open-minded they are with other cultures (my own Mum happens to be one of those). Then, there are those that have traveled a lot and they can be the perfect annoying tourist (I should write a post about this!)
Convivence rules when travelling
As a general rule, a good tourist shouldn´t be complaining about everything. You are traveling to enjoy. Spending money to be kilometres away from home and not enjoying the thing at all, it is not worth it. Whether it is the first time you travel or you have done it many times, I give you a few convivence rules to help you survive the vacation without problems.
  1. Sharing room: This is my big no-no and one of my worst issues when planning a trip. The room is there to get rest and grooming. Decide a few basic rules before ending pulling your hair out. There are people that need more hours of sleep than others, as well as people that need two hours to get ready (true story). Be realistic: if you are going to straighten your hair, waxing and apply 5 layers of make up before leaving the hotel, do not dare to be the last one to get up and make everyone else waiting for you. Also, if you are not capable of sleeping without the tv on, maybe this is a good chance to start trying for the sake of those with light sleep. I still remember how in my first trip to London, my roommate decided to see all the 2000 pictures she took that day without turning off the sound in her camera, resulting in 2000 beeps. Mad!
  2. My country is the best: honestly, why do these people travel? Your country is not better. It is just different. Different culture, different habits and a different gastronomy. Don't you like it? OK, but don't keep saying yours is better, because probably the inhabitants of the country you are visiting could give you one thousand reasons why they do not like yours. And it is really annoying traveling with someone that doesn't stop making comparisons.
  3. Negativity. Someone that keeps complaining from the hotel bed, to the coffee not being hot enough,  about the weather, the cost of the bus, the paving slabs and even that the rain falls in drops is so tiring! 
  4. The food. Although you may love sushi, if you are traveling with a fish allergic, don't make him go to a sushi bar every day. And although you might love burgers, why not trying some local specialities?
  5. Visits. Maybe you do not like all the visits you have planned, but at the end you will enjoy them all. If you do not want to go at all, draw and alternative plan and join the rest of the group when they finish. There are also those who plan all the trip for you without asking. This could be also a nightmare if you do not talk beforehand about you will be doing. 
  6. You are not alone, interact. I still remember how one of my best friends went for a weekend in the beach with one of her friends and she spent the whole time reading a book. Don't you think there is time for everything? 
I recommend you always talk to your travel mates before traveling so you have an idea of how the plans will be and avoid arguments mid-travel, because that is the worst that could happen and can ruin your stay.
Can you think of other convivence rules?

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