Family Magazine

Contacts, Glasses Or Corrective Surgery: Balancing Beauty and Health in Your Eyewear

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

We are lucky to live in a time where many different solutions exist for correcting our vision. Vision issues are one of the most common health issues in the world. Here are some things to consider when deciding if contacts, glasses, or corrective surgery is the right solution for you.

Contact lenses

In the past, contacts were only available and affordable for those with specific vision problems. Now, even those with astigmatism can get lenses that work for them. Contacts are great for those that don’t like the weight and feel of glasses or that participate in sports and other activities where glasses can be irritating to wear. They can be more expensive than glasses, and all lenses – except for once a day disposables – require a good sanitation routine or there can be a risk of infection. Contact lenses can be fun for those that want to change their eye color or even the overall appearance of their eye.

Glasses can be stylish

There are thousands of styles of glasses out there. Lenses can be tinted in many different colors, and you can get lenses that change their tint based on how dark it is outside. Glasses can be a fashion statement and are affordable enough that you can have a variety of styles. The disadvantage is that they reduce peripheral vision and can fog up or fall off. Glasses also have to be cleaned regularly and become scratched over time. Many contact lens users keep glasses on hand for when they don’t want to deal with using lenses or if they can’t wear lenses for a period of time for some reason.

Lasik corrective surgery

With Lasik, you can fix some vision problems permanently so that you don’t need glasses or contacts at all. Lasik is not a good choice for those under 18, those with larger pupils, or those that are pregnant. A doctor can examine your eyes and decide if Lasik will work for you. Lasik reviews prove that 96% of patients that have been through the procedure report very positive results. Lasik has become affordable and more widely available than ever before. It can save time and money because you won’t need as many eye care appointments and you will not be spending money on contact lenses, glasses, and sterilizing solutions. Over the years, the time you spend maintaining and using contact lenses and glasses can really add up.

Making the best choice

Even if you have worn contacts, glasses, or both, for many years you could still be a good candidate for Lasik vision correction surgery. There are many ways to finance the surgery, but it is very affordable, so many people will have no need of financing. If a qualified medical professional determines that Lasik is not a suitable option for you, then a combination of contacts and glasses may be the best solution. That way you have many different stylish vision options.

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