Lifestyle Magazine

Congratulations to Charlotte Balbier — Engagement Shoot!

By Claire

It’s always big news when some­one so pop­u­lar in the wed­ding indus­try gets engaged… there’s a real buzz around Char­lotte and Teddy’s engage­ment and we can’t wait to find out more about their plans over the next few months. This is far more excit­ing for me than any celeb wed­dings that might have hap­pened in 2011!

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (16)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (17)

Char­lotte Bal­bier is at the fore­front of UK bridal design, with her lat­est ‘Candy Kisses’ col­lec­tion a dream of vin­tage inspired French lace, rose pinks and con­tem­po­rary styles, slinky red car­pet glam­our and time­less ele­gance. I love Charlotte’s designs to bits — and I’m delighted that Char­lotte has shared a lit­tle exclu­sive pro­posal story with Eng­lish Wed­ding blog!

I asked Char­lotte about Teddy’s pro­posal — and it’s one of the sweet­est roman­tic pro­posal sto­ries I’ve heard!

The pro­posal:

The engage­ment was lovely, it was at home, just the 3 of us and a bot­tle (or 2) of Verve. Teddy got down on one knee and pro­posed, he started to cry and I got the gig­gles and then started cry­ing too! He was going to take me to Clar­idges in Lon­don and do a big fancy week­end but I rum­bled his plans and told him off for plan­ning some­thing so extrav­a­gant and spend­ing so much money!

I said just do some­thing low key and no fuss… he lit­er­ally took me at my word and did it at home while I was in my PJ’s and he had hid­den the ring in our air­ing cup­board!!! Although not to some peo­ple a very roman­tic story to me it was per­fect as it was nat­ural and from the heart.

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (1)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (2)

The fairy­tale def­i­n­i­tion of a whirl­wind romance, Char­lotte and Teddy met each other through mutual friends at a din­ner in Cheshire, one that Teddy very nearly didn’t attend. “It was an instant attrac­tion, her sparkling smile and car­ing nature had me from the start. The fact that she accepted my pro­posal is just amaz­ing and I count myself to be one of the luck­i­est men on the planet. Not only am I look­ing for­ward to the wed­ding, but spend­ing the rest of our lives together.”

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (3)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (4)

Being insep­a­ra­ble ever since, it’s not only their love for each other but another cer­tain some­one, Miss Ellie-Belle Bal­bier (soon to be Bed­ford of course), their Choco­late lab who truly made them realize they wanted to share the rest of their lives together.

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (5)

Char­lotte and Teddy — and of course Ellie — cel­e­brated with an engage­ment photo shoot with Man­ches­ter wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher (and friend of the stars!) Jonny Draper. Jonny told me, “I’m VERY excited about Charlotte’s wed­ding! It’s lovely when you meet some­body through work and go on to become good friends. It’s even love­lier when they intro­duce you to their other half and you all get on like a house on fire!

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (6)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (7)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (8)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (9)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (10)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (11)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (12)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (13)

Charlotte Balbier engagement blog (14)

Char­lotte told me, “It would be lovely if you could fea­ture the images that Jonny shot, glad you like them, all 3 of us (Ted, Ellie and I) love them!” — So Char­lotte, it’s my plea­sure! You make the loveli­est cou­ple and I can’t wait to hear more about your wed­ding plans! Have a won­der­ful year


Find Char­lotte Bal­bier at and on face­book too.
Charlotte’s Candy Kisses col­lec­tion stole our hearts on Rock My Wed­ding blog this week:
Jonny Draper lives at and his wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog is here:

(Feel free to leave your con­grat­u­la­tions for Char­lotte, Teddy and Ellie below, everyone!)

Claire xx

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