THE ANSWER TO THURSDAY'S TRIVIA QUESTION: SARA Gilbert, not Melissa Gilbert played Darlene Conner. 5 points if you know who Melissa Gilbert played! FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, Neil Moffatt, Brett Blattman, Allison Shapiro & Phyllis DiCesare HONORABLE MENTION: Caryn Vitolo
THE NUMBERS Tuesday's Cable Top 5
NBA Playoffs-TNT 2.6/6.4
Deadliest Catch-Discovery 1.1/2.9
Haves and Have Nots-OWN 1.0/3.1
19 Kids and Counting-TLC 1.0/2.7
Big Bang Theory-TBS .9/2.3
Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5
So You Think You Can Dance-FOX 1.6/5.3
Edward Snowden-NBC 1.3/5.9
Modern Family-ABC 1.3/4.2
Criminal Minds-CBS 1.2/7.1
CSI-CBS 1.1/6.1 Wednesday's Cable Top 5
NBA Playoffs-ESPN 3.1/7.3
American Dad-Adult Swim 1.0/2.3
Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.0/2.5
Catfish-MTV 1.0/1.6
The World Wars-History .9/3.2 Wednesday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings Catfish-MTV 232,000 Tweets
So You Think You Can Dance-FOX 99,000 Tweets
Edward Snowden-NBC 7,000 Tweets
Guy Code-MTV2 6,000 Tweets
Don Rickles Tribute-Spike 6,000 Tweets
Early Morning Ratings for the week of GMA Today Show CBS This AM
The Top 5 Cancelled Shows of 2013 Crazy Ones-CBS 2.7 Almost Human-FOX 2.7 Super Fun Night-ABC 2.3 X Factor-FOX 2.2 Revolution-NBC 2.2
Red Road If you live in Bergen County, you may have heard of the Jackson Whites. They are an Indian tribe of about 5000 that live in Northern New Jersey and parts of NY state. Growing up we always heard crazy urban legends about what went on up there on the reservation and would attempt to go check things out and then chicken out as we would get close to where we thought they lived. Red Road is about this group of people and stars Jason Momoa, who played Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. I watched the first episode last night. It sort of creeped me out a bit but so far I'm liking it. There's a weird pace and vibe to the show and the story already has depth and layers to it. I'm hoping to have Season 1 done soon. Season 2 doesn't air til early 2015. Jason Momoa is so interesting to look at and this character like Drogo, doesn't say much and yet says a lot. I can't say I'd recommend yet, I'll let you know if it's worth it though. It ran on The Sundance Channel earlier in the year. Stay tuned on this one.
The 60's-Television Comes of Age I have no idea how many episodes of CNN & Tom Hanks' new series, The 60's, there are, but I knew I had to watch the first one, it was all about TV in the 60's. In the 60's the television was where the entire family (and the world) gathered together to watch EVERYTHING. TV was programmed for everyone there were only a few channels and the shows were aimed at the masses. I wasn't born until the end of the 60's, but I did watch most of the shows below in reruns in the 70's. TV really came of age in the 60's. It was the first era where the news unfolded on TV and the world watched. They watched the Nixon/Kennedy debates, they watched during the Kennedy assassination, they watched Vietnam and they watched the moon walk. They also watched: Leave it to Beaver-Can you imagine a show with the word "Beaver" in the title now? The Andy Griffith Show-Ron Howard was tooooo cute
The Dick Van Dyck Show-Mary Tyler Moore was stunning The Smothers Brothers-I didn't realize how controversial they were for the time Jack Paar-I'd never seen what he looked like before Johnny Carson-I never really watched Johnny but I remember my parents watching him Dick Cavett Merv Griffin I Dream of Jeannie-I wore that same outfit for a dance recital when I was like 5 Green Acres Bewitched-Loved, loved, loved Samantha, Darren and Tabitha Hogans Heroes-Never watched an episode George Carlin-I had never seen him with hair before The Flying Nun-What was her name? Sister…..name her for 5 points Mission Impossible-never watched it Gidget-How cute was Sally Field in Gidget? Lost in Space-Oh Nooooo, Oh Nooooo Gilligans Island- Everyone admitted that this show was fun and ridiculous Get Smart-Loved Get Smart
F Troop-Never watched F Troop Batman-still love it now Hawaii Five O-Never watched The Avengers-Never watched The Monkees-LOVED and of course, LOVED DAVEY JONES! Carol Burnett-No words...amazing Ed Sullivan-way before my time Rodney Dangerfield-wasn't a fan Robert Klein-crazy hair back then Route 66-never saw it Twilight Zone-never saw it The Fugitive-never saw it Star Trek (First Interracial Kiss) I Spy-apparently it was a big deal at the time and Bill Cosby's big gig Julia (First African American Woman) Dragnet-never saw it Laugh-In-never saw it The Brady Bunch-Top 5 for me Adam 12-I used to love Adam 12
If the rest of this series is as good as the TV one, I'd check it out. It's fast paced and really pretty interesting with a lot of great celebrity commentary.
-Sons of Anarchy is on the WWTM Binge List. If you haven't seen it, you have a few months this Summer to watch all 6 seasons and be caught up in time for the 7th and final season when Marilyn Manson joins the cast as a white supremacist. Sons is a great show, seriously, you really should binge it. You'll fall in love with guys of Charming, I promise.
-Kevin Reilly's announcement yesterday totally shocked me. Sure ratings over at FOX suck and sure there really wasn't anything THAT interesting at their upfront, but Kevin's always been this network golden boy. He's being inducted into the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame in October. He's responsible for Nip/Tuck, The Shield, The Sopranos, 30 Rock, The Office, Glee, Heroes and my favorite series of all time…Friday Night Lights. This year, Kevin declared that FOX would no longer participate in pilot season. Of all the network heads that I've seen speak, he's the only one that I always felt truly loved TV and GOT TV. No way he's riding into the sunset. No way. My guess is that he's going to end up at a Netflix or Crackle or something. He'll turn up someplace juicy, mark my words.
Friday's Trivia Question: Name the woman who talks Les off the ledge, hosts The Talk and my favorite Summer guilty pleasure…Big Brother.
NOW…what's this weeks theme? Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]