Hair & Beauty Magazine

Confessions of a Beauty Blogger Tag

By Dorkchops @dorkchopsworld


1. How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?
Planning doesn’t take long at all because I write as I go as soon as I come up with an idea. Writing of course takes the longest out of all three but it really depends on what I’m writing about! Reviews and tutorials take the longest because they require photography but doing tags like these do not take long at all in comparison! In total I think I spend a maximum of 3 hours doing all of those three things (and I love every minute of it hehe).

2. Are you a spender or a saver?
Honestly I would put myself in my middle. I set myself a budget that I can spend on beauty products each month. If there are several more high end products I’ve been eyeing, I will allow myself to only purchase one so I have to force myself to choose what I really want most. If I’ve been wanting to purchase makeup products from the drugstore, I will wait until there are deals on. I avoid purchasing full price items!

3. When is it easiest for you to write your posts?
Whenever I have an idea or product to write a review on! Thankfully I haven’t gotten into a rut where I’ve found it really hard to come up with posts since I’m still a fairly new blogger! I constantly get random sparks of ideas throughout the day and it has really made it easy for me to write my posts because I know exactly what the content of them will be!

4. What makes writing posts comfortable for you?
This is kind of a hard question to answer, I’ve never thought about it that much! I guess it’s just knowing that I’m able to express my passion in beauty and fashion to people who feel the same way! Everything kind of just flows from then.

5. What’s your worst makeup/hair habit?
For makeup, it’s washing my brushes too infrequently. I am extremely lazy when it comes to this, I find it really tedious and boring to do even though I know it’s so important for hygiene reasons.

For hair, it’s definitely that I get lazy to brush it sometimes and it gets really knotty. My hair is definitely quite tangly, which is why I refuse to brush it sometimes because it just gets all tied together and so I get too much hair fallout when I tug on it. =(

6. What’s one quote you wish the world would live by?
I have so many quotes I absolute adore so I picked 3 hehe:

Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.” – I really respect people who persevere and work hard despite not having much. What bothers me the most are arrogant people who like to show off what they have. It’s one of the worst personality traits in my opinion.

Just because something isn’t happening for you now doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. Don’t lose hope.” – This one is really personal to me. I’ve mentioned previously that failure is a fear of mine and I do always get the urge to just give up to avoid it but I keep reminding myself that I just need to pick myself back up and keep going! In my opinion, having the mindset behind this quote is really really important.

The only time you should look down at someone is when you are helping them up.” – I absolutely love this quote! I feel that society is really judgmental and our impressions are often formed by what we see right off the bat. If everyone in the world had this quote to live by, no one would ever feel the need to change themselves to be someone they’re not!

7. How long do you spend getting ready everyday?
It definitely depends on what I’m going to be doing the rest of the day! If it’s a typical casual day where I’ll just be at university or running errands then it will take a maximum of 10 minutes in terms of applying makeup and putting together an outfit. If I’m going out at night or I want to look extra nice to meet friends then it can take up to or even more than 30 minutes.

8. What’s your favorite post on your blog?
This is hard. I honestly can’t pick one!

9. Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserve more subscribers that they have?
Honestly, everyone I’ve met and have been talking to almost everyday on here! I think each and every one of you deserve to have as many people possible read all your amazing posts and be updated no them! =D

10. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the coming year?
I’m looking forward to working on my blog more and coming up with some content. I’m also planning on starting up a small business selling homemade body products so I’m excited to work on perfecting everything going into the whole thing!

11. What has been your favorite blogging moment?
Reaching 1,000 followers was such a huge and joyful achievement for me. I did not see it coming at all but I am truly so grateful! Blogging has probably been the best thing I’ve ever started doing and I never want to stop!

12. How long does it take to prep for a post?
I usually don’t prepare, I just write as I go as soon as I come up with an idea! The good thing about typing is that I can always edit whenever I need to so I don’t feel the need to prepare. =) If it’s the sort of post that requires some sort of preparation, I will break my post down into categories or main points then expand on them!

13. Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now or are you wearing pyjama bottoms?
Neither! =P I’m in gym clothes right now!

If you’re a beauty blogger, definitely do this tag! =) I tag all of you to do this, it’d be really interesting to find out how similar or different we are! ♡

Confessions of a Beauty Blogger Tag

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