Current Magazine

Company Prepares For World Of Everyone Wearing Cameras On Their Heads

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNBC reports that action-sports video camera maker, GoPro, says it is positioned to meet Christmas present demand for its cameras that you can wear while you perform all of your favorite extreme sports, or go to concerts, based on the company’s web site ad.

3 Videos We Expect To See On YouTube When People Wear Cameras All The Time

1. Skydiving video where skydiver explains you should live every day like it’s your last, and record the whole thing… which makes no sense since they are living like it is their last day, and when are they going to watch the video? There is no next day in this hypothetical scenario.

2. Videos of someone cooking a boring meal for an hour, that in the old days they just used to post one picture of on Facebook.

3. Videos taken in front of a tourist attraction, where someone removes their camera-helmet, and explains to a stranger how to take a video of them and their friend, using the camera helmet, instead of any normal, simple camera.

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