I took an Ibuprofen, threw my clubs in the car and drove to the course. I was playing with my good friend, who'd invited me to play at his club at Meadow Springs, a beautiful course nested along the Amon Basin creek watershed. The sky was overcast as I parked and checked in. By the time we were standing on the tee, about 12:00, a slight drizzle had started. My friend asked if I wanted to take the golf cart. I told him I wanted to walk the first Nine to get some exercise. That was my second mistake.
Because course maintenance was taking place on the Front Nine, the pro shop started us on No. 10, which is an elevated tee crossing Amon Creek at the bottom of the hill. After that, the course regains altitude at a steep rate. By the time I'd negotiated the first six holes, I was having trouble catching my breath. At the No. 16 tee I had a pressing feeling in my chest. Did I quit? No, I struggled on. That was my third mistake. You know what they say about three strikes.
I finished the round, joined my friend for lunch, which I couldn't finish, and went home. I lay down for an hour, took a shower, and joined my wife on the couch. This was about 5 pm. By this time I was experiencing a severe throbbing pain radiating up my left carotid artery into my neck. I went back and lay down.
My wife came in and asked me what was happening. She said I should go to the emergency room. I said I'd take an aspirin and wait it out. Another mistake.
I couldn't sleep. I tried elevating my head and back, something I'd done when I had pericardial pain. It didn't help much. I continued to have the throbbing pain up my left carotid artery, into my neck, and over to my shoulder. I was sweating. I took 3 more aspire @ 325 mg ea over the next 8 hours.
The next morning, a Friday, March 29th, I called my primary care physician and speaking to the receptionist asked to have an appointment ASAP. She said she could get me in Monday. I said okay. She asked me why I needed the appointment. I said, "I'm having chest pain." She said just a minute. Then she came back on the line and said, "Go to the emergency room." This time I followed instructions.
*********************************************As it turns out, if you're experiencing chest pains, the best advice is to call 911. This way you'll get directly to the ER, you'll get there quickly, and you'll likely get emergency treatment along the way. Going to your primary care physician first is poor policy, if you are having a heart attack. Learn to recognize the symptoms and be smarter about taking action than I was. The longer you delay, the more heart damage you'll have, and the longer your recovery will be -- assuming you recover.
*********************************************My son drove me to the nearest emergency room, which was at Kennewick General Hospital (KGH). When I told the person manning the reception desk my problem, he took me right to the triage nurse; the first time I hadn't been asked for ID and insurance when going to the hospital. I was with the triage nurse for no more than 3 minutes before I was taken to a room and placed on an examining table.
Before I knew it, a lab tech had taken blood, I had an IV in my right arm near the wrist, and had been wired for an ECG. After the ECG a technician wheeled in an X-Ray machine and did a chest X-Ray. At some point, a nitroglycerin patch was placed on my chest. The IV contained a blood thinner, easing the blood pumping burden on my heart.
The attending physician, a Dr. Richard Kinder, came in to see me about 20 minutes into this process. He told me indications were that I'd had a heart attack. KGH didn't have a cardiac specialist available to do a catheterization, so they were transferring me to Kadlec. He asked me who my doctor was, and I told him my cardiologist was Dr. Surrender Wadha. Kinder said he'd notify him.
I was transferred to Kadlec by ambulance. One of the EMTs sat in the back with me and monitored my vital signs. It took 18 minutes to get from KGH to Kadlec. On the way I learned the EMT liked to read and promised him a signed copy of my soon-to-be-published novel, The Lion and the Sun. I was assuming I'd be alive to sign the book when it was published. I'm an optimist.
At Kadlec I was taken directly to the cardio ward, where ECG sensors were attached to my chest and connected to a transmitter that sent signals wirelessly to a display at the side of the bed.

Dr. Wadhwa put his stethoscope on my chest and as he listened to my chest he told me that my ECG was abnormal -- I had an inverted t-wave -- and blood work indicated I'd had a myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack. I asked how blood work indicated a heart attack. Dr. Wadhwa told me that my troponin level was elevated.

Cath Lab
During coronary angiography, special dye is released into the bloodstream. The dye makes the coronary arteries visible on x-ray pictures. This helps doctors see blockages in the arteries. Cardiac catheterization is used to get the dye into the coronary arteries. For this procedure, a thin, flexible tube called a catheter is put into a blood vessel in your arm, groin (upper thigh), or neck. The tube is threaded into your coronary arteries, and the dye is released into your bloodstream. X-ray pictures are taken while the dye is flowing through the coronary arteries.Dr. Iyad Jamali performed my procedure. He came to the side of the operating table and introduced himself. Jamali went to medical school at the University of Damascus, in Syria, and was struck by my resemblance to a colleague of his. He described the procedure for me, and kept me informed throughout it. A nurse applied local anesthetic (1% lidocaine) to my right groin. Jamali said, "You're going to feel a slight pinch," and inserted the arterial sheath through which he'd thread the catheter. My wife told me later that the procedure took twenty minutes. I was awake throughout. Afterward, Jamali came out and told us that my coronary arteries were clear. Jamali also told us that I had a significant gradient between the apical segment and mid segment of the left ventricle. He thought this likely due to segmental hypertrophy cardiomyopathy. Jamali thought it advisable that I undergo a cardiac MRI and OTE. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetic cardiac disease that can cause sudden death, or go undetected for the affected person's lifetime. Unless my lifetime is 75 years, I fall into the latter group.
Prior to my release from the hospital on a bright, sunny Easter morning, I underwent an Echocardiogram. According to Dr. Wadhwa, the results were little different that many previous echos I had in his office. My instructions from Wadhwa were to go home and take it easy. He put me on Coregto slow my heart and allow it to heal, and Ibuprofen twice a day for pain. He said my recovery would take 6 to 8 weeks. I was to see him on May 10th.
One week after my release from the hospital, I'm essentially free of pain, I have no shortness of breath, or dizziness, and I'm going stir crazy.