Black hair is unmanageable
This is a common misconception that black hair is unmanageable. This does not have to be, armed with the right tools and knowledge, black hair can be and is very manageable. There is so much information about black hair care online and in books like “The Science of Black Hair”
Black hair needs to be relaxed to look good
Relaxer damages hair, period. No hair should ever be subjected to such torture, but that’s just my opinion. Learn to love your kinks and coils and your hair will love you right back!
Black hair does not grow
Black hair DOES grow!! The reason why black hair does not appear to grow is the fact that we have so many curls and coils and our hair tends to shrink as it dries giving it an illusion of “short non-growing” hair. Hair generally grows 6′ inches annualy. With proper care, our hair can grow to waist length and beyond.
Black hair “breaks”combs
Well this one is true, IF YOU DO NOT MOISTURIZE YOUR HAIR! One thing you need to remember is that you should never attempt to manipulate your hair in it’s dry state. The best time to detangle your hair is in the shower with conditioner in your hair which lends it “slip”. Use a water bottle to spritz your hair with water which will soften your hair making it easier to comb it without torturing your hair and damaging your styling tools..
Black hair is ‘bad’ hair
Okay, I will say this only once,the only “bad” hair there is is damaged hair. Black hair can be very beautiful if it is well taken care of .Love your God-given tresses and take good care of it, you will be turning heads in no time.
Black hair is expensive to maintain
This is actually true. Black hair can be expensive to maintain if it is relaxed it or weaved. A good weave can cost anywhere between $100 -$200, more if you are looking for the high quality stuff. Getting a relaxer touch up every 8 weeks can also do quite a bit of damage on your bank balance. But taking care of natural black hair is no more expensive than taking care of any other type of hair. We have to shampoo, condition and do treatments just like anybody else. Since I went natural 5 months ago I have spent less than $100 on products, I don’t go to hair salons so I am spending even less!
What other natural hair myths have you heard about?