Today we will not talk about handmade jewelry, or ladies fashion accessories, home décor or topics that are important to women. Today, Patriot’s Day, we will remember the victims of the 9/11 tragedy, something that is important to every American.
Americans will reflect as they display the Stars and Stripes on their homes, and know that the flag is flying high on all of the United States government buildings, all around the world. It will be a sign of respect, as it will be flown at half mask in the memory of the many loved ones who were taken unexpectedly on that awful day.
A moment of silence will be observed at 8:46 a.m., Eastern Time, for this was the time that the first plane was known to have flown into the New York World Trade Center North Tower on this date in 2001.
I remember the day very well, when terrorists hijacked four planes. My husband and I were visiting a friend in Colorado and he called up to us to come quickly. We ran to the large room and stood stunned as we viewed the images of the tower that the first plane had just struck. Smoke billowed from the buildings and I could not view it without crying.
The true horror was watching the second plane fly into the second tower, and then the buildings fell. People were dying and we were watching. Who could ever forget such a horrible thing? I can’t imagine being there in those buildings, or what kind of human could meet their God knowing that they had committed such an act.
I am especially proud of the Americans who fought the hijackers and sadly lost their lives in a field near the town of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Their courage will never be forgotten.
We can never forget the EMT’s, Paramedics, and Fire Fighters who rushed into those buildings and met, face first, the horrors of that day, and the many days to follow as they sacrificed their health to search for anyone alive under the rubble.
Let us not forget the soldiers that have fought in Afghanistan, have been injured or lost their lives participating in the military response to these awful attacks. Let us remember their families too, and their sacrifices.
No, today is no ordinary day. Today we do not think of our jewelry or our wardrobe or other things that seem so terribly petty when you remember the 2,977 people who needlessly lost their life on this sad day. When you envision the husband’s and wives who had to carry on their empty lives without their loved one by their side. When we remember the children, who had to grow up without parents, and the parents who had to carry on without their children. No, today is no ordinary day.
It was October 25, 2001 that the House of Representatives passed a joint resolution to make this a forever day of remembrance. Let us never forget by remembering the people who lost their lives. Let us honor them by doing something unexpected and wonderful for a stranger. Together we can fill the universe with our loving thoughts of these lost souls, so that we may overshadow the hate in the world.
Today, Patriot’s Day, let us all participate in the moment of silence, and remember the souls that were lost in this horrible tragedy. Let us together, wish for Love and Peace in the world.
Note your thoughts on Patriot’s Day, special memories of a lost loved one, or share the story of how 9/11 impacted your life in the comments below.
Till Next Time,
Quirky Girl

We will never forget those who lost their lives on 9/11/2001.