Fashion Magazine

Comedy Christmas Jumper Marathon

By Cleverbuttons @cleverbuttons

Hi All,

Oh yes, it is the time of year again when I can get away with wearing a penguin jumper in public – I have not been this excited for a while, well not since I noticed the red cups are back in Starbucks!! I have started to get in the Christmas mood of late, from caramel lattes through to looking for stocking fillers for someone special – I couldn’t be more like a child when I see the twinkling lights.

So for this quick post I wanted to celebrate the comedy, ridiculous and humble Christmas jumper in all it’s gory – oopsy I meant glory! One thing I love about these jumpers is that we all end up looking silly, whoever you are, whatever your size, shape and height – no one can pull these beauties off in a manner that makes you look polished. That is what this is all about though, celebrating a time when we don’t have to be polished. Let’s face it, on Christmas morning how any of us spend the entire day in PJ’s eating too much and watching “Elf” fr the hundredth time!

Grab some of these now, before it is too late!

asos christmas jumper

(Gingerbread men jumper fro Asos – a personal favorite)

Christmas Jumper

(This one is particularly awful – I LOVE it!! –

dog christmas jumper

(I love me a pug dog! A beauty from Not On the Highstreet)

xmas jumper

(Who said obvious wasn’t great!

john snow

(Oh John Snow – so handsome! Save the Children Christmas jumper from

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