Today I'm not writing about my customers, today I'm the customer. I'm writing this live as I'm on hold with Comcast. My onDemand isn't working, but it does in the rest of the house. So I called 1800XFINITY, followed there automated system, and it brought me to the wrong person...
They transfered me over and Mark the rep told me that he was sorry he couldn't fix my problem because my name isn't on the account. I don't care about the account details. I just want my onDemand to work!
I'm on hold again, after exagerating how many views this blog gets and threatning to give them a negative review and saying what a horrible job Mark did, I'm now waiting to speak to his supervisor.
He just came back and said 'I spoke to my supervisor' when I cut him off. I said I wanted to speak to your supervisor, not you speak to him and get back to me...
On hold again... In my house the account is under my roommates name, but I usually do the talking when it comes to phone calls like that since I'm not afraid to say whats on my mind.
Finally I spoke to Mark's supervisor, Ryan who was able to fix my problem within 10 minutes. He was very nice and polite and didn't give me any bull shit about not being on the account. I don't understand why Mark couldn't have done that, it's a technical problem.
Although I'm in customer service I've learned the hard way the only way to get through on the phone with customer service is to be a dick about it.