Entertainment Magazine

Coma Cinema – “Burn A Church”

Posted on the 23 May 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

coma cinema 300x300 Coma Cinema   Burn A Church

For a song with such morbid lyrics as, “satan, wake me in the morning”, “kill me whenever you want to” this song sure sounds bouncy and uplifting.  ”Burn A Church” is a lively psych pop tune with warbly vocals that mention satan (more than once) and sing about digging dead ex-girlfriends.  It is a startling but strangely effective juxtaposition, the music makes you want to dance but the lyrics call for serious soul-searching.  What else would one expect from a song off an album with a slightly disturbing yet cheeky title: Posthumous Release, which is to be released June 11th.

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