Lifestyle Magazine

Colshaw Hall — Cheshire Wedding Venue Feature

By Claire

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (5)

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (9)

Col­shaw Hall is a lov­ingly restored, Grade II listed house and has been given plenty of atten­tion by own­ers the Irlam fam­ily, and being located in Knutsford, the hall is per­fectly sit­u­ated for those in the North West after a lux­ury wed­ding venue for a per­fect day. The coun­try sur­round­ings offer a peace­ful and tran­quil envi­ron­ment and a wel­come degree of pri­vacy, whilst the Hall allows for a grand back­drop and high­lights the splen­dour of the event.

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (10)

A truly bespoke Cheshire wedding

A tai­lored wed­ding is a per­fect wed­ding and wed­dings at Col­shaw Hall gives cou­ples to cel­e­brate their mar­riage exactly how they wish. Choos­ing from three loca­tions within the grounds of Col­shaw Hall, cou­ples can have use of the Peel Suite, Col­shaw Hall itself and the out­door area; each giv­ing a com­pletely dif­fer­ent ele­ment to the wed­ding experience.

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (12)

The Peel Suite

The Peel Suite is for those who want their wed­ding to be cel­e­brated on a truly grand scale and holds up to 200 peo­ple. A mar­quee attached to the wed­ding suite hosts the cer­e­mony, before the wed­ding party moves into the styl­ish bar in order to toast the mar­riage. The lucky cou­ple and their guests then enter the main ban­quet­ing room for an extrav­a­gant feast and a superb party to top off a won­der­ful day.

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The Hall

Those who require a more inti­mate wed­ding cer­e­mony will look to the venue’s main hall, where the cer­e­mony is held in the stun­ning recep­tion area that is the Langford-Brook Room that hosts up to 50 guests. The Demp­ster Room is where the wed­ding party heads for din­ing fol­low­ing the ser­vice and the day ends in the Music Room, an ideal set­ting for a clas­sic fam­ily celebration.

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (3)

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (4)

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (6)

Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (8)

The Grounds

With 300 acres of pri­vate land in the Cheshire coun­try­side, Col­shaw Hall can offer the per­fect idyl­lic back­drop to any wed­ding. The idea of say­ing your vows under the sum­mer sun in a clas­sic land­scaped gar­den is hard to beat and Col­shaw Hall has two such gar­dens licensed for wed­dings: the Mag­no­lia Gar­den and the Walled Gar­den. Both offer a capac­ity of 200 guests and are avail­able between April 1st and Octo­ber 31st.

The gar­dens also allow for ideal photo oppor­tu­ni­ties, with the chance for an inti­mate por­trait by the Japanese-style gar­den by the minia­ture lake and bridge or in front of the hall itself to cap­ture the grandeur of the occasion.

The lit­tle things mat­ter too…

As well as the capac­ity to craft your own wed­ding cer­e­mony, Col­shaw Hall will also allow cou­ples to tai­lor their own wed­ding menu and take advan­tage of the high-skilled in-house chefs who are more than happy to cre­ate the per­fect menu. Addi­tion­ally, there are canapés and drinks pack­ages avail­able, whilst the sam­ple Col­shaw Hall menu can offer a good deal of inspi­ra­tion to make the per­fect banquet.

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Colshaw Hall Cheshire weddings (7)

To make the wed­ding com­plete, Col­shaw Hall can also help organ­ise décor, flow­ers, pho­tog­ra­phy and enter­tain­ment, as well as six guest bed­rooms in the Hall’s self-contained fam­ily apart­ment allow for overnight accom­mo­da­tion for the bride, groom and their family.

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