If you’ve watched any of my YouTube videos, you’ll notice that our walls are lined with doll cases. Those dolls belong to my mother, Patty, the original doll collector. She’s been collecting since she received her first doll at 5.
Unlike my own childhood, my mother was told to clean out her doll collection every few years, so many of her treasures were sold off at various table sales or given to charity. It wasn’t until she was a young teenager that her mother, my grandmother, decided that maybe doll collecting wasn’t something you had to give up as you grew up.
My mother is also the reason I am a doll collector. Growing up in a house with doll cases along most walls creates one of two kinds of people– one type shy’s away from all things doll related and the other, which I’m included in, embraces it and continues on with their own collection. Would I have a doll collection if my mother had collected China? Or Scissors? Who knows, but I love it now! (For the record, I’m glad that my mom doesn’t collect either of those things, though they would probably take up less space!)
This post is the first in something I hope to do a lot more of– a collector’s spotlight. Learning about other collectors is, to me, very interesting! I love knowing what they collect, why they collect, what they get out of collecting. (I’m betting that you like that sort of thing, too!) The first collector spotlight subject is my mom, Patty, because she is the reason I’m here a) on the earth and b) writing this blog!
This collector’s spotlight is a two part post– one part of this is on YouTube in video format. (To see the video, click the hyperlink. I’ve disabled embedding for this video!) The other part, this post right here, will include images so you can gaze at them to your hearts content. I encourage you to check out both portions!

Barbie’s Dream House– No More Occupancy!
My mom collects lots of different kinds of dolls, but her collection mainly focus’s on Barbie’s. Most of the dolls in the collection are from the 80′s, 90′s, and My Scene era, though her Monster High collection seems to be growing month after month! As you can see from the picture above, they’ve taken over the Dreamhouse.

My Scene, Monster High and Kelly’s

Ikea Cases

Ikea Case

Ikea Case

Ikea case
Besides Barbie’s, our house has many other kinds of dolls.

Doll Case

doll case
Some of my mom’s favorite dolls are Sasha’s, Little Miss No Name’s, and 60′s dolls like Giggles, Kissy, or walking dolls. Also in the collection are Wizard of Oz dolls, mostly Dorothy’s, Magic Nursery, Thumbelina’s, and Little Kiddles.

Wizard of Oz and Kiddles

Magic Nursery


Monster High Gang on Dreamhouse
For more photos of dolls in my mom’s collection, why not check out her Flickr? And don’t forget to watch the video Collector Spotlight! I’d like to say thank you to my mom, Patty, for allowing me to videotape her and her collection. (I love you lots, Mom, and don’t worry, you can get me back when it’s my turn in front of the camera!)
As a reminder, please do not repost these pictures anywhere. :)
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