Hi there. I’d apologize for missing both Wednesday and Friday’s posts but I’m sure no one noticed >insert woeful sigh and hurt look here> ;)
It’s been way too long since I last did a homeware haul so I thought I’d better get snapping and show you guys what we’ve been spending our pennies on. I think I prefer home ware shopping to clothes shopping – I’m yet to find a decorative basket or vase of flowers that doesn’t fit!

We’ve been in the flat almost three months now so we have all the furniture sorted and everything’s pretty much in place, but the walls were ridiculously bare. The walls are white rather than cream so they seemed even more lifeless and dull than usual, so canvases were definitely on the list!

Bedding – Primark – £13

These were such bargains! I knew I wanted to go to The Range for the canvases as they have a wide selection for reasonable prices, but the monkey is the only one we could agree on! Luckily B&M Bargains had ones we both liked. They’re a really good size too; the monkey is a little smaller than the first one, the bridge sunset is quite slim but long and the tree is the biggest of all.
I’d also like to point out that these pictures are all in seperate rooms, we didn’t go crazy and mishmash them all in one room!

This wasn’t a planned purchase but I wanted something to go in the main bathroom as the counter is a little bare. These have livened it up nicely, although they don’t match the towels and the bath mat which is slightly frustrating! But they’ll do until I find something else I like, at which time these will look great somewhere else.

I’ve been on the hunt for something to keep my Real Techniques brushes in as I find they’re a little shorter than my other brushes and I often have to spend a little longer trying to find them, which is annoying. I spotted a display of monogram tumblers in Matalan and luckily they had my initial! The glass is really thin though so I may have to find something else to keep them in as I’m a bit worried I’ll break it.
Oh, and let’s not forget Lizzy…

How sassy is she! I found her in Matalan and couldn’t walk away without her. I chuckle every time I go into the bathroom and see her lounging there with her massive ass. I thought £5 was a little pricey considering what it is, but I had to buy her. I really didn’t have a choice, she’s such a babe.

I’m so impressed with the quality and size of those canvases for the price! I’d definitely recommend both The Range and B&M’s if you’re looking to redecorate on a budget. I only took pictures of the most interesting pieces we picked up as I didn’t think the rest would be very interesting – anyone wanna see my new cleaning supply caddy? Anyone? What about my microfibre mit? …Okay, see you Wednesday then!