Hair & Beauty Magazine

Collection - Skyscraper Mascara - Why I Dislike It.

By Iheartmexo @iheartmexoxo
Hey guys!
I don't think I need to mention how popular this mascara is. Every blogger has this and loves it...except for me. After all the hype around it, I decided to purchase the Collection skyscraper mascara and thought that it probably will be amazing. Sadly, I did not get on with this mascara at all. I used it again and again but we did not get along.
Collection - Skyscraper Mascara - Why I dislike it.Collection - Skyscraper Mascara - Why I dislike it.Collection - Skyscraper Mascara - Why I dislike it.I do love the packaging of this! I think the reason I didn't like this was because of the formula which I found rather thin. The brush looked quite promising but everything else for me was a let down. It didn't lengthen my lashes where I would be amazed as quite alot of people claim to be. Instead it made them appear straight and pointy. Besides being a lengthening mascara it also claims to add definition. Now, it didn't exactly do that either. I've used this several times over the last 2 months but everytime I apply it, I have to take it off because it separates my lashes, in a bad way. I am not even sure how to describe this but let's just say it makes my lashes look pretty bad and sparse. Did I get a bad mascara tube or something?! It makes my eyelashes really stiff and straight without any definition or curl to it.
I know this mascara has worked for so many people and I have seen the great results but for me it just did not work at all.
Anyone else ever had a bad experience with this mascara?
Hareem  x

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