FIRST FIVE: Bill McLaughlin, Bobby Aguilera, He Who Shall Not Be Named, Caryn Vitolo & Karen Heniger Honorable Mention: Elke Raskob Friday's Cable Top 5 Gold Rush-Discovery 1.9/4.8
Bering Sea Gold-Discovery 1.1/2.6WWE-ESPN .8/3.1
NBA-ESPN .8/1.9
Game Plan-Disney .8/4.2
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5 Grammy Awards-CBS 10.1/28.7
Family Guy-FOX 2.4/4.5Once Upon a Time-ABC 2.2/7.0
The Simpsons-FOX 2.1/4.3
American Dad-FOX 2.0/3.8
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 Grammy Awards-15,465,321!!! Saturday Night Live-NBC 399,888 Simpsons-FOX 111,351 Family Guy-FOX 73,483 Once Upon a Time-ABC 56,976
Sunday's Cable Top 5
NASunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5 The Walking Dead-AMC 1,721,726 Bafta Awards-BBC 453,624 NBA Basketball-ESPN 107,175 Talking Dead-AMC 51,090 The Real Housewives of Atlanta-Bravo 40,035
Top 5 DVR'ed shows for the week of 1/21/13-1/27/13
Modern Family- from a 4.2 to a 6.7 (+60%)The Following-from a 3.2 to a 5.1 (+59%)
Grey's Anatomy-from a 3.0 to a 4.8 (+60%)
New Girl-from a 2.2 to a 3.7 (+68%)
Glee - from a 2.6 to a 4.0 (+54%)
Okay, so it's one of those times where I'm in a Code Red state with my TV viewing. Between the Grammy's, getting my butt kicked in Pilates and being in a really bad mood yesterday, I passed out really early. I think around 9pm. So I'm not 100% caught up on Downton Abbey and now I'm really behind on a ton of shows as you can see from my DVR load right now. Luckily for me the President is on tonight which should help, but my apologies for the lack up show updates the past few days.
While both storylines weren't that great on How I Met Your Mother last night, the show wasn't terrible. It's just that we know that Janette, the lunatic Ted dates right before he meets Mom, is sticking around for a little while and that just sucks, especially because she's unlikable. How much longer Carter Bays? I really need a face, a name, a meet/cute...something!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, on another note, Robin being afraid to hold baby Marshall and letting a stranger who turned out to be Mike Tyson hold him in a strip club while she goes to pee was just plain weird. Have you noticed that Mike Tyson seems to be popping up a lot lately? Also, one other pet peeve here...Robin and Lily didn't age at all in 17 years? C'mon, that made no sense either. Okay done venting.
On Rules of Engagement Adam bought a way too expensive bike, one of those crazy aerodynamic helmets with an HD camera and one of those very revealing bike outfits. Then he lost it and Jen caught him red handed since he left his HD camera on documenting the entire thing. Oliver Hudson plays dumb so well. I love his dumbness and see why Jen does too and doesn't call off wedding. In the mean time, Jeff and Audrey are trying to find a name for their baby. I guess they didn't completely forget about the baby thing as I had hopefully suspected last week. Anyway, they gave themselves quite the challenge...find a girls name that they like but that isn't also the name of a girl Russell hasn't done the nasty with...after almost every name in the book, Jeff's love of the Mets finally came in handy with the name Shea Bingham. After final confirmation from Timmy, this name does fit the bill. No Liz this week and suprisingly...I missed her.
News & Information:
-Huge Grammy numbers on Sunday. 28.3 million viewers and a Social TV record of 18.7 million comments. This is the second largest audience for the awards since 1993. Even with Whitney Houston's passing last year, the show was up 1% against RA18-49 and 6% in total viewers. I bet it was because of the lack of adherence to the now famous "Dress Code Memo". Everyone tuned in looking for undercurvature violations. Well...I did anyway.
-Also riding the Grammy's wave...E!s Red Carpet pre-show...which delivered 3.2 million viewers and was the 2nd most watched Grammy's pre show ever. The show was up 10% vs. last year and Eonline was up 9% with 17.4 million page views.
-I have to believe that Sunday night is just the hugest TV viewing night. The Grammy's were on, Downton Abbey was on and even with all of those viewers, Winter premiere of The Walking Dead's delivered a 6.1 RA18-49 and its largest audience ever of 12.3 million viewers. Even the live talk show following the premiere, Talking Dead delivered 4.1 million viewers.
-Tonight, if you have nothing to catch up on like me, the premiere episode of The Face is launching on Oxygen (it's real home base), Bravo and Style. The Face is a cross between The Voice and Project Runway, but what might appeal to you is that the controversial super model, Naomi Campbell is pretty much the star of the show. I saw a clip of the show and it looks pretty interesting. Let me know what you think if you decide to check it out instead of checking out the Prez.
-THANK YOU CW! The Vampire Diaries, Arrow and Supernatural have all been renewed for another year. I'm guessing these means that the cure that my hot shirtless vampires and vampire hunters are looking for will not be found this week or any other week. I honestly don't care. I just want Damon and Elena to be together with as little clothes as censors will allow.
-As you can see from the Top 5 DVRed shows list above, The Following is gaining an audience...a big one. The premiere episode added nearly 10 million viewers since its 1/21 debut via DVR viewing, encore showings, VOD and online streaming to arrive at a total of 20.34 million viewers. Pretty impressive growth, but how many of them are seeing our ads?
-ABC and Univision announced their joint venture to launch a news an lifestyle network for US Hispanics called Fusion. The network will launch in the 2nd half of 2013 and will provide relevant programming in English for the youngest, and fastest growing demo in the US.
-While I totally understand the idea behind the Fusion network, I'm not sure about the new Esquire network. This one is a rebrand what we now know as G4. It's a strategic partnership between NBCUniversal and Hearst and the idea is to target one of the hardest demo's to find and connect with...the younger more modern guy. This network is hoping to hone in on these guys and program the network just for them, but with the programs I read about (below) I'm not sure I see the sweet spot connection. I'm sure it takes time, but so far...I don't see it.
- A new original food/cooking competition series called Knife Fight.
- The Getaway a travel show where viewers go to their favorite city in the world and reveal their top spots to eat, drink, shop and hang out.
- No worries, American Ninja Warrior, which will be back for a fifth season.
- NBC's Parks and Recreation and the Starz show Party Down will also air on the new net.
- 24.1 million tweets during the game
- Tweets came from 240 countries
- Most popular tweet, 11,346 retweets @espn "Retweet this image if you're picking the San Francisco @49ers to win the #SuperBowl"
- Top Ads based on Twitter share of voice: Calvin Klein (28%) Doritos Goat for Sale (27%), GoDaddy the Kiss (23%) PSY Pistachio (12%) & Volkswagen Get Happy (10%)
- Top Moments of the Game: Power Outage (231,500 TPM-Tweets Per Minute) followed by 108 yard kickoff return by Jacoby Jones (185,000 TPM) and 4th & Goal no pass interference all (183,000 TPM)
- Social MVP-Ray Lewis with 180,771 tweets
- Beyonce's Halftime Show-5.5 Million tweets
- Ravens won in Social Media with 19,860 likes received and 12,711 twitter followers added vs. SF with 11,738 likes and 7,927 Twitter followers added
- For every 7 tweets about the game, there were 2 tweets about the ads
- Tide had the highest positive sentiment
- GoDaddy had the lowest positive sentiment
- Taco Bell received the most new followers followed closely by Budweiser and then Oreo
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