Lifestyle Magazine

Coconut Milk Fruit Popsicles

By Mamakbest @mamakbest
I came across this popsicle recipe from This Rawsome Vegan Life, pinned it immediately and made a note that I needed popsicle molds.  I bought the molds last weekend and will be making these little treats this week!  Can’t wait to enjoy them in the sunshine. Coconut Milk Fruit Popsicles from The Rawsome Vegan Life

Coconut Milk Fruit Popsicles from This Rawsome Vegan Life

 From the MKB Pinterest Board:  Clean Eating Recipes Fruit Popsicles with coconut milk: Makes twelve Ice cream: 400 ml fresh raw coconut milk (or 1 can of store-bought)  1/4 cup raw cane sugar (or preferred sweetener, to taste) Other ingredients (use however much you need): Frozen fruit Finely chopped thyme, rosemary, basil or other fave herb (optional) 

To prepare the popsicles: fill popsicle molds with small pieces of fruit and chopped herbs (don’t forget the popsicle sticks!) leaving room for the ice cream to fill in.

To make the ice cream: blend the coconut milk and sweetener until smooth. Then carefully and slowly pour into your popsicle molds until they are full. Set in the freezer overnight or until frozen solid – then take them out and lick them clean in the warm sunshine.

For more pictures and details on how to prepare the popsicles, click here.

Will you try them?  If you do, let me know how it goes!  I will post pics of my attempt this weekend!
xoxo- Kellie

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