Something drove me to bake these nice and really delicious buns… It was only my creativity

Ingredients for the dough
- 2 cups of warm milk
- 3 tsp of sugar
- 2 tsp of salt
- 2 tsp of yeast
- 4 cups of flour (or as much as the dough takes)
- 1/2 cup of oil

Stir the yeast with sugar, 1 cup of warm milk and a little flour. Leave it to rest for 5 minutes to start bubbling. Add the second cup of milk, salt and the rest of the flour. Knead the dough for a few minutes and add the oil to stop the dough sticking to your fingers. Leave the dough to rest for a half an hour to double itself. Roll the dough out on the surface and cut circle shapes.

Put the baloney slice on the circle shaped dough, cover it with another circle shaped dough and cut the edges in. Fold the edges out like on the gif. Cream the buns with egg yolk, sprinkle them with salt and put some butter on each bun. Bake on 400 F degrees until the clover pastry buns get nice color.