I’m so looking forward to Bloggiesta! Will you be participating? I intend to write my sign up post this afternoon.
My Sunday was mostly spent organizing my reading plans so I could join the Spring Reading Thing and Once Upon a Time VIII. So here’s my (way too long) reading list for spring.
Did you see that I was featured on Book Bloggers International? They asked fun questions that drew out facts about me as a reader that I never before revealed on the web.
I didn’t finish any books last week. That’s what happens when I ready chunky books!
An English country house party featuring academics dressed in historical costume who want to restore Richard III’s reputation
I’m still reading The Murders of Richard III by Elizabeth Peters. I found a terrific quote describing breakfast at an English country house for my Weekend Cooking post this week. Fair warning: it will make you hungry! I also got my Wondrous Words Wednesday post from this book with what turned out to be a bit of an exploration into the word quondam.
I got back to my thick books this week. I’m making real progress through Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson, now. The Clockwork Universe by Edward Dolnick is going slower because I have it sitting on my nightstand. That would be effective if I ever actually read in bed, but that’s a rare event. I’m working on an earlier bedtime so that I can do that more often, so there’s some hope.
I’m still slowly working through the DK Eyewitness Travel book, Great Britain. I’ve started going back through now and pulling the post-it notes in favor of a more useful list of places we might want to visit.
Will Read
The next book I start will probably be on my phone, since I’m about finished with the free The Fierce Reads Anthology. I only ended up reading a couple, so I’m not really counting it as a book. I’m enjoying the prequel to Marissa Meyer’s Cinder. Next up, I’ll go for Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger.
What are you reading?
It’s Monday! What Are Your Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Be sure to check out her post today to see her selections and the list of links to all the other participating bloggers.