It has been said that the condition of your home and work space reflects what is going on inside of you. Clutter in your space reflects how cluttered you feel. Cobwebs in your corners mean cobwebs on the brain. A messy house equals a messy life. Could this be true? Look around your space. What do you think?
While you are looking, ask yourself how your environment makes you feel. Is it comfortable, soothing, and energizing, or does it feel yucky and suck the life out of you?
If it is true that your outer world is a reflection of your inner reality, there is a golden opportunity here. Cleaning out a drawer can improve how you feel. Clearing off your desk can shift your mindset. My clients swear by this and I have also found it to be true.
I encourage you to try it out. Go clean up a troublesome area or organize a closet. You might be surprised how great you feel.
Your Turn: What have you experienced by clearing space in your life?
If you would like support in creating a life you love, email: [email protected] for a free Discovery Session.