Business Magazine

Clear Up Your Thinking with a Little Mental Hygiene

By Lindaluke @coachlindaluke


There are some days that just make our heads spin.  We can only handle so many decisions, challenges, and things to do.  In order to keep up, our thoughts come faster and faster, often in complete disorder until we feel overwhelmed.  Whew!  Just writing about it is tiring.

When you find yourself stressed, procrastinating, overwhelmed, dazed, and confused, it is time for a little Mental Hygiene.

Mind Dump –Get those thoughts out of your head and onto paper.  Write down all of the things that you are trying to keep track of in your head.  You can organize them more easily on paper.  What are the goals?  What are the actions steps?  Where can you keep track of them outside of your mind?  And, most importantly, what can you let go of?  You will find that this Mind Dump process will relieve your mind and put some order back into your life.

Clean Up Your Thoughts – Are your thoughts uplifting or undermining you?    When negative thinking comes forward, make a choice to think of something else.  Focus on positive possibilities, gratitude, cute little babies, or someone you love.  Find things that inspire you and surround yourself with them.  Spend time in gratitude every day.  When you do, good things will start to happen.

Release Self-Judgment – Chances are, some of those thoughts filling your mind are judging you harshly.  They may involve fear, anxiety, or some variation on your being incapable or unworthy.  These thoughts are just stories that clutter your mind.  Practice letting them go or shifting them.  You can also try making friends with them.  Give them a name or persona and let them know you appreciate their attempts to help you, but have things handled.   Invite them to take on a new job that focuses on helping you feel positive.  They really just want to help.  And, don’t forget to acknowledge yourself for everything you do well, no matter how small.   You will find yourself feeling better and accomplishing more.

Remember, your thoughts are not who you are and half of what you think is unnecessary or untrue.  Practice mental hygiene to keep your mind clear and ready to be used as the powerful tool it is meant to be.  It really just wants to help.

Your Turn: What thoughts would you like to let go of?

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