Once again it’s that time of the year, a time when thousands of young men and women walk down the aisle in that long polyester robe and take their next step into the ever so hectic world of adulthood. Graduation season is among us, in fact, some may have already graduated, but it’s never too late to get that graduate a great practical gift. I remember when I graduated from High School like it was yesterday instead of 19 years ago. My mom cried like I had won the Nobel Peace Prize or discovered a cure for some incurable disease. I remember walking down the aisle in this awful red skirt with a yellow silk shirt complete with a tie, (I didn’t know any better at that time) and black shoes. Where was the fashion police when you needed them? Downright hideous!
I enjoyed my graduation gifts which mostly consisted of cash and cute items from friends. In the midst of it all, there was one gift that stood out to me, the gift I received from my Aunt Willie Bea. My aunt was one the jazziest senior citizens I have ever met, even in her early seventies she was still shopping at Fredericks of Hollywood for lingerie and was always decked out in diamonds. So I just knew that she would hook a sister up with something nice. She handed me a box and I almost shit bricks when I seen what was inside…..the ugliest pearl watch I had ever laid eyes! My eyes are twitching right now just thinking about the hideousness that I faced on that day. I’m not saying it wasn’t a thoughtful gesture, I’m saying that as an 18 year old graduate, I had absolutely no need for a pearl watch. We later came to the conclusion that Aunt Willie Bea was giving us gifts that were items she purchased for herself but didn’t like….
Anyway, here’s my list of great gifts for the 2012 graduate
Laptops, Smart phones, Notebooks, & Tablets work well. I was born before technology evolved and I honestly can’t imagine life without any of these things. This makes it easy for the graduate to stay in touch with family & friends, as well as, keep on top of their school assignments and schedule. This works for both High School and College graduates. Technology evolves so fast that the laptop you got that High School graduate is out of style by the time they graduate from college. Technology evolves faster than anything I have seen in life including people.
Gift Cards
A gift card for a partner is a bad idea, but a gift card for a graduate is heaven sent. Target, Wal-Mart, Amazon all work well for this occasion. Airline gift cards also work equally as well; especially for the High School graduate who’s leaving home for the first time. Airline gift cards will come in handy for those trips home.
Care Packages
Purchase a box and spray paint it with the school colors. You can make it pretty for the young women (add lace, embellishments, rhinestones) and make it sporty for the young men. In the box, place toiletries (towels, deodorant, body wash, lotion, toothpaste, mouthwash) scented candles, a cute desk organizer, folders, pens, paper…..you get what I’m saying. This will come in handy for the High School graduate that’s going off to college.
Backpacks have become more trendy and fashionable over the years. They now come in different styles, colors, and sizes. Most designers now carry some form of backpack that’s trendy yet functional. Totes also work for those who don’t carry backpacks. If you’re buying a gift for a recent college grad opt for a trendy briefcase instead which will come in handy for entering the work force. Round it off by buying a matching wristlet or cell phone case.
When all else fails, Cash doesn’t
As for me, I didn’t participate in my college graduation. I opted to have my degree mailed and went to a beach house in Myrtle Beach, SC