Entertainment Magazine

Cities Aviv – “URL IRL”

Posted on the 30 September 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

cities aviv 608x406 Cities Aviv   URL IRL

Cities Aviv strikes suddenly with “URL IRL”, a track that sounds almost more like a Girl Talk mashup than an original piece. This isn’t a bad thing: Cities Aviv places looped shots of new wave bliss under his reverberating, not quite hi-fi vocals. The result is jarring and at times surreal (the immediacy of the song’s beginning and ending, for example), but never anything other than a delectable pop assault. The Memphis-based artist has always shown a proclivity for eclectic genre tinkerings, and “URL IRL” is perhaps the perfect place to dip your toes in the boiling hot swimming pool that is Cities Aviv’s music (for the sake of ending with a metaphor).

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