CHUF (or Children's Heart Unit F und) is a little known charity based in the North East of England that aims to fund equipment and facilities in Ward 23 of the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The Unit treats all youngsters with a variety of heart problems from a catchment area of Whitehaven to Tynemouth, and Berwick-upon-Tweed to Middlesborough. And since the successful campaigning to stop its imminent closure a few years ago, the Unit has gone from strength to strength, hosting events like this one.

CHUF has been a charity close to my heart (excuse the pun) for a number of years now, as I was treated on and off on Ward 23 up to the age of about 4. At that age, I wasn't quite aware of how completely awe-inspiring the doctors, nurses, charity representatives, and fundraisers were. So, for that reason, and a million more, I decided to take part in the charity's first annual Heart & Sole Family Fun Day.
I'm not a massive runner, but after completing the Race For Life 10K in my local area a number of times, I decided to give this one a go. (and also roped my family into joining me.)
The route was 2 laps around the beautiful scenic surroundings of Jesmond Dene in Newcastle, starting and finishing at Paddy Freeman's Park, directly opposite the Freeman Hospital itself. Despite the beautiful scenery, however, there were many steep hills, concrete steps, and slippery surfaces, so we had to take care when navigating the track.
The run itself was perhaps one of the single most difficult things I've ever completed in my life; and after the first 4km, I genuinely didn't think I could keep going until the end! Nevertheless, me, my younger sister, and my boyfriend persevered and ran over the finish line holding hands, all finishing in joint last place!
I am very very proud of all of Team Wilkinson today! My Dad beat us all, finishing in less than an hour, my Mam managed a solid 1hr 15 (thereabouts), and Troy, Zoe & I attained a respectable 1hr 40!
Plus, the commemorative T shirt, goody bag, temporary tattoo, and heart shaped medal just topped it all off!
Overall, I've so far managed to raise £86 to go directly to help CHUF provide medical equipment, toys and games for the children in Ward 23, and as absolutely exhausted as I am, I can't wait to do it all again next year (although maybe I'll only do the 5K...)
Consider this post a MASSIVE thank you to everyone that's sponsored me, or donated to this cause. It is an incredibly worthy charity, and the work the doctors and nurses do at the Freeman is absolutely second to none.
On a similar note, here's one last whip round. If anyone would like to sponsor me, you can visit my JustGiving page here, it also contains a more detailed version of my story, and why I chose to take part in this event. You can also donate via text, if you fancy it. Simply text CHUF59 plus the amount you'd like to donate, e.g. £1 to 70070.
Now it's time for a nice warm bath and a home-cooked meal. I'll be back in a few days when I have regained the use of my legs!

Sunday 15 June 2014, 5:45pm