I am so happy to be starting a lifestyle change. I had a really quick breakfast today and it wasn't healthy at all! However, I had a delicious lunch. I love salmon so much! For dinner, I didn't eat very well. I allowed myself a complete cheat day. I will get back on track tomorrow!
The lovely Brie from Laqing in Creativity is joining me in this journey. It is so important to encourage others and I would love to have all of you join me (even if you aren't a blogger). Make sure you follow her along in her journey here! She is so lovely and I am just beyond proud of her. We are also working on a project for June that will make it easy for you all to join us! It will be like one big lifestyle change family. If you are a blogger, it will also be a way to gain more exposure. I can't wait to share it with you all! I want it to be a place where women and men of all sizes can come and share their journey! Everyone will be welcome!
Today's Thought-Provoking Question:Q: What is the best pizza place you have ever been to?
A: I love so many pizza places. I really can't pick. However, I really loved Chicago deep dish pizza. I just love Chicago and the pizza is amazing. The pizzas are so huge and you can't even finish one slice! What about you? What is the best pizza place you have ever been to?
This is the start of week 5! How crazy?! This week I am going to be focusing on portions and getting some sunshine. What are you going to focus on? I did lose some weight last week, but still not back to what I was a couple of weeks ago. It is a bit discouraging, but I am not going to let it get me down. Remember: this is a lifestyle change meaning it is going to take the rest of my life.
Make sure you check out Brie's Week 2 post and follow her journey and goals. Also, if you would like to join us...let us know! The more the merrier. I can even email you a templet you can copy, paste, and fill in. Even if you don't need to lose weight, you can join us. We will gladly accept any tips and knowledge fitness experts bring. Or if you have other areas of your life that need improving, this lifestyle change is for you too! I can't wait to see what is in store for all of us throughout this journey. I am excited to be living my life again! I would love to hear what all you did today and ate! Share anything with me in the comments below!