I am so happy to be starting a lifestyle change. I am starting OVER! I was so stressed from losing my job and trying to get my blog the way I wanted it to look that I started eating so terrible. I jumped on the scale and pretty much cried at the number I saw. I was 266 lbs! This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I am totally serious that weight is something I have struggled with ever since I hit middle school. I wanted to give up. I had been eating tons of fast food and snacking like crazy. When I am stressed, I eat. I really had to stop this and just start over. Even though I am on week 15, I am really back starting at week 1. It is beyond time that I tell myself I AM WORTH IT and I WILL DO THIS!
I am giving myself 1 year! 1 year to live the healthy lifestyle I want. I can do this and I am taking it day by day. I cut out unnecessary sugar, carbs, and drinks. I will treat myself every once in a while. However, I am staying far away from fast food. I have to make these changes for my health. My weight is definitely taking a toll on my body. I can do this and I WILL DO THIS!
I have started writing down everything I eat in a journal. I am also adding the food I eat into My Fitness Pal so I can watch the calories. I have been doing pretty well with this method. It is crazy to see how many calories are in the food that I consume. I will keep account of all my ups and downs just like I normally do. However, my attitude is changed now. I am giving myself 1 year! I refuse to fail!
I did well with my fitness goals. I accomplished all my fitness goals. It feels so great to be moving again. I can't wait to feel my body become even stronger. However, I need to up the intensity of my workouts.
The lovely Brie from Laqing in Creativity is joining me in this journey. It is so important to encourage others and I would love to have all of you join me (even if you aren't a blogger). Make sure you follow her along in her journey here! She is so lovely and I am just beyond proud of her. We are also working on a project for June that will make it easy for you all to join us! It will be like one big lifestyle change family. If you are a blogger, it will also be a way to gain more exposure. I can't wait to share it with you all! I want it to be a place where women and men of all sizes can come and share their journey! Everyone will be welcome!
The stunning Japs from MissInformation is also joining us! She will be updating her lifestyle change along with her OOTD! How clever! Make sure you follow along in her journey here! She is so beautiful and I love her fashion! Definitely, check out her posts too!
How are all of you doing on your lifestyle journey? I would love to know!
Make sure you check out Brie's Week 3 and Japs post and follow them on their journey and goals. Also, if you would like to join us...let us know! The more the merrier. I can even email you a template you can copy, paste, and fill in. Even if you don't need to lose weight, you can join us. We will gladly accept any tips and knowledge fitness experts bring. Or if you have other areas of your life that need improving, this lifestyle change is for you too! I can't wait to see what is in store for all of us throughout this journey. I am excited to be living my life again! I would love to hear what all you did today and ate! Share anything with me in the comments below!
I am so excited to announce that Chubby Girls Get Skinny has OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED! What an awesome accomplishment this week! This is going to be life-changing and a way for all of us to support each other in our healthy lifestyles. Note: You don't have to be "chubby" and you don't need to have weight loss as a goal to join the group! We will accept anyone that wants to change any part of their lifestyle! I can't wait for all of us to connect and reach our goals. I have so many exciting plans in store for the future of CGGS. Join us TODAY!
PSST (don't you hate that when people actually do that?)....You made it until the end!! You're amazing!! Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss any blog posts (round-up in one email). Also, you will be entered to receive EXCLUSIVE content that only my email subscribers receive. There are new beauty products and subscription boxes that are being released soon (HINT: an upcoming email) that you don't want to miss!