Lifestyle Magazine

Christmas — the Dream and the Truth!

By Claire

Christ­mas — the dream

So — Christ­mas. I’m not actu­ally here; I’m spend­ing Christ­mas with my fam­ily. My par­ents, my sis­ter and her hubby, my Gareth and his kids, his par­ents, my aunts and uncles and cousins. I gen­uinely do love spend­ing time with every­one, chat­ting and play­ing games, eat­ing food, going out to places. For me Christ­mas is all about hav­ing a really good hol­i­day and lots of fam­ily time. My par­ents live miles away in the Lake Dis­trict, my sister’s in Durham — so it’s just won­der­ful to see every­one. It’s not about Jesus for me — I’m a pagan. I respect any­one with Chris­t­ian beliefs, but for most of us these days Christ­mas is a sparkly hol­i­day. Noth­ing wrong with that!

Christ­mas — the truth

What I’m prob­a­bly doing is spend­ing my days with fam­ily and my nights work­ing on my web­sites and on Eng­lish Wed­ding! A hol­i­day for me means no day-to-day blog work, but time to play on new projects and write the stuff I love best of all. So after each day spent with every­one, the kids will com­man­deer the telly, Gareth will get his bass out and play, and I’ll be snug­gled up with my cats and my lap­top. I don’t think Jesus will mind — I’m hav­ing fun!

couple in snow

Photo credit: ARJ Photography

Expect a few quiet days on Eng­lish Wed­ding blog now. I’m hav­ing a lit­tle hol­i­day at home, and quite pos­si­bly not even answer­ing emails.

I’ll be back in Jan­u­ary with more real wed­dings, a big fea­ture on the wed­ding indus­try — warts an’ all — and lots of wed­ding busi­ness advice.

Happy hol­i­days everyone!

Claire xxx

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