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Every year the Portland International Raceway opens up their track to visitors who drive through and gaze upon a wonderful light display – fun moving lights, the 12 days of Christmas depicted in lights and a series of wonderful painted Christmas messages too.
On one night it changes up and instead of vehicles going around the track to view the lights – it’s open only to foot and paw traffic.
It’s a dog night to enjoy the lights and season with your family and favorite canines and we went last night with one of our pups.
It was my first time there and I loved it. I’m sorta kid-like in my delight of the wonderful and Stewart, our little Papillion, fit right in and seemed to have a very good time too.
As we walked and looked at the lights (and looked out for anything left on the track by other pups) it was fun to exclaim about the displays, check out the other dogs in their coats and costumers (mostly coats and some Christmas decorations) and enjoy being with other people who love their pooches and take advantage of what Portland has to offer – which is a lot.
On this Tuesday – as the lights go up around your city – can you marvel and exclaim and be in wonder that someone you don’t’ even know went to the trouble to make your traveling by a delight?
They did – They put up lights for you to enjoy – what a Christmas gift!
Remember – you create your day by the way you think. Make it magnificent!
Blessings, Shawna