For Abbie's first Christmas, we bought her a few cuddly toys and some keepsake items to keep when she's older! We knew grandparents and other family members would spoil her so we didn't need to go crazy! We were even handed down a few things from family, including a Baby walker, Jumper and a Bounce About, which not only saved them money, but us too!
Maybe you've got a friend or two who have little ones and you have absolutely no idea what to get, i've made a little list below that might help you out!
Probably one of the favourites for baby gifts, who doesn't love adorable fluffy teddies? Whether its a hand me down from the family, or buying one from a shop, the options are literally endless and with lots of personalised options too, you can create a one of a kind keepsake to hand down to any other children too! I remember a little dolly I had as a little girl, she was called Christina and apparently was my first gift from Santa, so lasted till I was about 9 before her head almost ripped completely off, but she was such a comfort to me growing up till that point, definitely more than just a 'toy'.
When Abbie was first born, a friend of ours bought her a lovely little set of Peter Rabbit books, which were coincidentally the first books I ever had as a little girl too! Despite the fact your little one won't be able to read or understand it yet, it is amazing for their communication, they will pick up words the older they get as well as building their listening, memory and vocabulary skills too! Buying books with different textures, lift up flaps and even mirrors will get them getting involved and enjoying reading more!Homemade Photo album One of my favourite things to do with Abbie's baby photos was to print them off and fill up a photo album with them! I know everything is kept on our computers and phones nowadays but there is still something so lovely about a physical photobook! A friend of mine actually made an album for us, so it was one of a kind and really adds that special personalised touch! You can buy your crafty bits from Amazon or Etsy and design it however you wish, definitely something you can show them when they're older too!
Clothes Babies ALWAYS need clothes and parents are always grateful for new sleep suits and outfits! In the winter, Abbie was pretty much in vests, sleep suits and snuggly warm coats, as well as socks, mittens and anything else that'll keep them warm! You don't need to spend a fortune either, even visiting charity shops are amazing for baby clothes, grab your self some bargains and pick up some little toys whilst you're there too! Oh and blankets too, babies can never have too many blankets, they need them most of the time and can get pretty grubby pretty quickly, it's always nice to have spare ones around!
Saving's Account
Not a physical present but it's never too soon to get saving for your little ones, for all those people who pop some money into a Christmas card, collect it all together and pop it into a childs savings account! Not just for Christmas, this can be a life long account, where birthday money can also be added each year! Once they reach a certain age they can then access the money and use it for University, a Holiday, or anything they fancy! A great way to get them started off in the big wide world!What are you getting your little ones for Christmas?