China? Who and what is China? Tell me!? Oh..! China! The far off eastern country that I used to call my overseas home, I remember her! During 2019's summer haze, the universe allowed me to breakaway from my teaching schedule in Beijing to Hebei and Shanxi Provinces in tandem. Shijiazhuang, Pingyao and Taiyuan welcomed me, I had cemented plans, I was not playing! No!

Like lightning, I had been struck down by an awful illness, 'I didn't know what had hit me?!' Being bed-bound for three days during China's Labor Day Holiday 2019 saw me cancelling my planned weekend to Hebei's own Shijiazhuang City! Those cancellation policies were in my favour, fighting fit two weeks later my China High Speed Rail train pulled out of Beijing South for Shijiazhuang promptly! Arriving dead in the night, I checked into my Yitel Hotel without any issues, of course I had treated myself for that belated weekend! Saturday morning saw me heading out of the city to Xibaipo, I wanted to kick that regained weekend into touch! Seeing the 'Revolutionary' former headquarters of the 'Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party' and the 'Chinese People's Liberation Army, serving 1949 Realness! Xibaipo gave me 'Red Star' & 'Mao Ze Dong' with a scoop of 'Disneyland' style magic, my eyes sure had a feast! Not for the average tourist, I did have some attention paid to me because I was the only foreign for miles!
My Yitel residence was located conveniently next to 'Lerthai Center', showcasing an array of restaurants and amenities. Sorted on location, I stayed close to the hotel during the evening on that Saturday. Getting some goodies and wine for the Eurovision Final, of course YouTube plays mostly everything nowadays! Between me and you, I had some good old fashioned fun! No, I wasn't unwell like I was before but the Doctor? Those wines consumed during my Eurovision viewing party had my head feeling fuzzy but I wasn't about to ruin my Sunday in Shijiazhuang! No! Heading down to the charming 'Chang'an Park' had people flocking to talk to me as I sat and minded my own business. Using my Chinese language skills, those conversations were had with those excited locals. Heading down the road, I saw the exhibits that were on show the 'Hebei Provincial Museum'. 'Rong Mansion' had me exploring a rather charming dedication to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, many famous period dramas had been filmed within those 'Guo Fu' walls.

Being located in Beijing would only be for a time, I had a lot planned for that final summer in the Capital! From a TripAdvisor post to making a payment on a day trip from Taiyuan to Pingyao, I was all in for that weekend escapade! Leaving Beijing West for a change, my high speed train hurtled towards China's Shanxi Province! Bright and early, the following morning saw me heading down to Pingyao to see the Qing Family Compound firstly, with two more stops planned. I lived for the cross-cultural design that had been applied within that 'compound', something told that my day in Pingyao would be a success! Making my way to China's first ever bank, I went on to find out that Pingyao had once been the 'Economic Centre' of China! Yes, she counted those coins and made those banking transactions, allowing the blueprint to resemble today's modern banking firms. Those cold noodles were a godsend because the suns hot glare was no living joke! Pingyao ended up being the perfect Saturday hangout! 平遥加油! Come on!
Remaining deep within the walls of the Ancient City of Pingyao, it was an immense pleasure to have a walk along the city walls. I soaked in every single legendary view, being far from any city, the views were effortlessly clear with no pollution present! Taiyuan had more in-store for me but in that afternoon moment, Pingyao had stolen every bit of my concentration. The 'Qiao Family Compound' schooled me about a certain noble unit, the first ever bank had me thinking about my own pennies and the wall had me snatching all of those epic views! One more place? Yes! Finally, I was able to visit the Confucius Temple before the car would take me back to Taiyuan. I gained a sense of calm from that temple visit and acquired worthwhile knowledge about the teachings. Religious, me? Who, religious? Maybe just so! I don't know!? My day spent outside of Taiyuan City had been full-packed, every Yuan spent on the trip had been worth it! I said that right? Feeling sleepy, I absolutely napped all the way back to my city center hotel! Thanks, PY!

Those 'After Hours' setting were about to come alive, I had a plan with it being a Saturday night, I was ready! Of course, I had checked out a few eating places before my visit to Taiyuan during those approaching weekends. After moving from Wuhan to Beijing, then had I become more familiar with local Chinese hospitality and lifestyle APPs. 点评 APP had me looking down '帽儿巷', I appreciated that recommendation because I would need a fulfilling meal before hitting the pop! After this period of absence from China, how I would give to walk along another packed-out '食品街' because I miss the energy and maybe even the foods that were on offer! After consulting my go-to 'Social APP', well that's the PG version I will use for now. That handy 'Social APP' had me looking for a mystery bar, Taiyuan had a plan for me and frankly, I wanted in! My Hui Muslim food hit the spot, I had found a busy local looking 'Halal restaurant for my evening meal. Checking the pin on my next intended location, I had to make tracks! 滴滴 Taxi, come through!
Taiyuan's newly built and neon lit cityscape had me feeling like a local, the way of life in China had started to finally feel like normal. 'Joker Homie Pub' showed up in a new location, it wasn't what I was expecting to see but I didn't realize the taxi had reached the location because conversation in Chinese was deep! Making mine a '长岛冰茶' because I was feeling very thirsty! Taiyuan's newly found vibrancy had me channelling that personality, the night was still young and so was I and I still am! Never forget that one! No! My 'After Hours' venue had finally allowed me to make yet another pin to pin, I had time for one more drink whilst my taxi found me in the mountain of the traffic jam! My location was vague but I was used to that certain nighttime mystery being in China, that was normal. Well acquainted, I sensed an energy, I loved that difference! Talented? Well, I had to be the judge of that! Let me just say, I got what I wanted and that was the end of it! Taiyuan, you know what I mean? Baby, Taiyuan me one more time!
中国... 我好想你!
Joseph Harrison