Chili’s Celebrates Turning 45 On TikTok. ChilisBirthday is back, baby back, baby back! March 13 is not just another birthday. It’s the big 4-5 and we’re sh-sh-sh-shaking with excitement – 25 times to be exact! Never 24. Ok, sometimes 27 – because that’s how many times our Presidente Margaritas are hand shaken on the way to your table.
Need a refresher? 3/13 = $3.13 Presidente Margaritas for our Guests. ALL. DAY. LONG. And, while we’d typically advise Guests to raise their glass to another year of Chili’s® Grill & Bar, this year we ask that you raise our special edition birthday cup made just for you! What would a birthday be without party favors?
Since we’re turning 45, we’re shaking things up a bit …
Hi! Welcome to Chili’s … on TikTok! Our fans have been calling us to TikTok with 7,000 organic Chili’s videos and 10 million mentions of #Chilis on the platform, so we decided it was time to answer the call. We’re joining the platform as @chilisofficial on March 6 with a #ChilisBirthday challenge and will hook up three brand fans with the most loved TikToks with $313 gift cards to Chili’s (see what we did there?). To get in on the fun, all you have to do is:
- Head to TikTok and search for #ChilisBirthday
- Make a TikTok of someone being surprised with the Chili’s Birthday song and their funny reaction to it
- Use #ChilisBirthday and #contest for a chance to win one of three $313 Chili’s gift cards
- Hurry! The #ChilisBirthday challenge ends at midnight on 3/13
But we’re not just celebrating on 3/13 with $3.13 Presidente Margaritas! While birthdays are technically just one day long, they don’t have to be! We prefer to celebrate for at least a weekend … or a week … or in our case … 13 days.
Since we know you love our swag so much, we dug deep into our closet to bring back some Guest faves such as our classic Skillet Queso bomber jacket and “I Feel God in this Chili’s Tonight” T-shirt among other iconic items. All of which we will be giving away on our social media channels starting March 1!
Chili’s Celebrates Turning 45 On TikTok
We expect to see you in restaurant on 3/13 sipping a $3.13 Presidente Margarita! Find your closest Chili’s here: