Current Magazine

Chicken Poop Scoop!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CBC reports that the City of Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada is apologizing after spreading chicken manure in a place the homeless gather, in an apparent attempt to rid the city of its homeless.

“What an originally terrible idea!” you might be thinking.

Except the idea isn’t original. The City of Surrey, British Columbia reportedly tried something similar in 2009 according to CBC.

“Actually, that’s not what I was thinking,” you may be thinking, “I was actually thinking one of the following three things…”

1. “Chicken poop was the last thing I wanted to read about during my lunch hour!” Applies only to readers viewing this live in Asia, and high people in British Columbia who are reading this live on the West Coast, but think it’s lunch hour, because they are high.

2. “Hey, everybody in British Columbia isn’t high! But admittedly, spreading chicken manure to get rid of homeless people may seem like a good idea if you are high on a chicken/pot farm.”

3. “Yeah, sounds like a great plan for people, but how am I gonna get rid of these homeless chickens?”

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