I really like the autumn season: besides the beauty of the colorful trees I adore the chestnuts, the first cold, the plates of risotto with the mushrooms and to sleep under the cover. Today I wanted to focus on the events fall in Liguria. Here's what I found:
On 21/23 October there are Chestnut party in most parts of Liguria:
HORSES AND CHESTNUT (CAVALLI E CASTAGNE) - Garlenda (October 23 - the party has been postponed)

12.00 Meeting of the American Cars 12.30 Opening Kitchens, Stands and Stand 14.30 Country Concert with "The Route 66 Band" - dancing and entertainment with the "Dany Country Dance" 15.00 Departure for the excursion of the American Cars 15.10 Exhibition jump by the Riding Club Country Club in Villanova d'Albenga 16.00 End show jumping and return to the park Villafranca American Cars for display vehicles
official website http://www.prolocogarlenda.org/sagre-feste/60/cavalli-e-castagne
Chestnut polenta AND NOT ONLY in Sciarborasca (October 21)
Music throughout the day with a fantastic food that will satisfy all gourmets.
Official website www.croceorosciarborasca.it
GRAN CASTAGNATA NEL BORGO in Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena (October 21)
In the context of this beautiful village you can eat and drink all the day
Castelvecchio source http://www.liguriadiponente.it/castelvecchio.htm

Castelvecchio source http://www.liguriadiponente.it/castelvecchio.htm
FESTIVAL OF ROAST CHESTNUTS in San Colombano Certenoli (October 21)
Dances and typical market brighten your day.
For info http://www.comune.sancolombanocertenoli.ge.it/
So if you decide to go in Liguria on 21 October you can not miss one or more of these events. Common element? The Chestnuts, the fall and the fun!