New! CHERUBIM – Angeli Book II
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Look at me, I finally wrote a second book in a series instead of just starting a new series… Cherubim – Angeli II is out!
The cover is kinda sexy, but the book itself isn’t any sexier than the first (just so you know I didn’t go 50 Shades on anyone..). It’s a bunch of humor, adventure and thrills, just like the first!
The insane, corrupted Arch Angel Seth has been captured, so Anne, Con and Michael might have a moment to breathe, right?
Don’t count on it.
Another team of Angels, the Cherubim, have arrived to wipe out the Angeli and kill any human who doesn’t meet their standards. The first-arriving Cherub, Rathe, is a long-haired teen with the face of an angel. He may seem an unlikely villain, but he’s created two Angeli-hunting Sentinels, including an evil ex-mercenary with nasty plans for Anne.
While Michael orchestrates the Angeli offensive, it’s up to Anne and Con to find Rathe and stop him before he opens the floodgates to Chaos…
And now I’m off to work on Pineapple Port Book II!

Pineapple Lies
Romantic Comedy/Cozy Mystery
Slightly Stalky
A romantic comedy walks into a bar…
Funny/Thrilling Urban Fantasy
Moms are Nuts
Humor Anthology
26 Top Humorists!