Chase Rice and the JD & Jesus tour hit the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver this past weekend and the place was ELECTRIC. This was the first time seeing Chase Rice & The Cadillac Three perform. I have covered events at the Commodore in the past but this one seemed to just have a bit more energy to it.
Having heard these artists songs on the radio and via YouTube it was really great to see them perform live. I can still remember when we were approved and got the call that I was going to get the chance to shoot the stop of the tour. I was introduced to Jordan Davis the opening act on this stop of the tour, I was so pleasantly surprised at how amazing of a performance that Jordan put in to a somewhat full room. I haven't heard much about him but will be looking up more of his music to jam out to it.
The Cadillac Three followed Jordan and WOW... Really WOW... The Cadillac Three have an outstanding stage presence and they just ate up the SOLD OUT Commodore crowd and the crowd just inhaled everything that the boys from Nashville had to dish out. I know one of the partners at Sound Check is a huge fan of these guys and has recently just done a Mason Jar Session with them that should be posted in the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled for that.
They really got the crowd pumped up for the final performance by Chase Rice. Chase is a super awesome artist and I really enjoyed his performance. There was a point in the set where he got the crowd to sing "Vancouver likes drinking cause its fun" we have posted a clip of that below. Another wicked moment was when one of Chase's guitarists gave a lucky fan member a signed guitar pick, you could just see the excitement in the young lady when she was handed the pick.
Chase will be performing back in Ontario at North America's 2nd Largest Country Music festival, Boots and Hearts. If you are planning a trip over to Ontario I would strongly suggest going in August and catching the Chase along with the rest of the amazing lineup planned.
Justin Ruscheniski

Well if your reading this you must really be bored... So I was born and raised in a small town and have a thirst for good Canadian Whiskey and amazing Country Music.