A couple of months ago I decided I would volunteer to take photos early next year for a charity based in Scotland. I’ve been involved in the voluntary sector for most of my working life, and want to continue to give some time to organisations that are working to improve their local communities.
So I asked any interested organisations to get in touch – and I was amazed at the response I got. After much head-scratching, and a lot of reading, it became clear that two organisations stood out, so I’ve decided to offer my time to both.
I’m delighted to announce I’ll be taking photos for both Drake Music Scotland and the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. By chance, both organisations are celebrating anniversaries next year, so as well as some of the day to day activities both are involved in there are going to be some exciting celebratory events to photograph.

`I’m thoroughly looking forward to working with both organisations.
And a huge thank to all the people who got in touch from so many different charities around Scotland.