
Changing Spaces by Nancy King

Posted on the 22 May 2014 by Madi Preda @AUTHORSPR

“What would you do if you woke up in your usual life,
and by the end of the day, everything had changed?”

That’s the question Nancy King poses in her newest book, Changing Spaces, as she introduces us to Laura Feldman who suddenly loses the “life” she has lived for the past forty years.
When her husband of forty years suddenly wants a divorce, shaken-to-her-core Laura Feldman embarks on a bumpy ride from her black & white Midwestern life to the bold colors of New Mexico. In this new landscape where anything might happen–and does–Laura finds inspiration, strength, and transformation in the friendship of Santa Fe women who help her walk the winding road to self-discovery and the home of her heart.
“Location. Location. Location. Nancy King gets it right when she explores how a woman radically changes her life by changing her location.
Judith Fein, author of Life Is a Trip: The Transformative Magic of Travel
“Heartbreak turns to intrigue. A season of grief leads
to a wig, a closet, a script, cookie recipes, new
friendships, and a wide-open future.”
JEANNE MURRAY WALKER, Author of Geography of Memory

Changing Spaces grew out of a conversation Nancy King had with a woman who said:

“That was before I lost my life.”
Nancy King’s novel The Stones Speak was optioned for a film, and won first place in the New Mexico Presswomen’s Communications Contest. A prolific playwright and essayist, King has also written seven nonfiction books—most recently Dancing With Wonder: Self-Discovery Through Stories—an exploration of her writing and drama workshops in the US and abroad.

She feels fortunate to be privy to the stories people share.

Nancy King lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico where she weaves, writes, and finds inspiration hiking in the mountains. She is a contributing writer for the online journal Your Life Is A Trip at


Please visit Nancy King’s website at for more information on her books and workshops.

Radio Interview:
Santa Fe Radio Cafe (KSFR)
Radio Interview:
Majority Report/Women’s Voices (KZYX)


Authors PR Reviewfive stars out of five

Life is a journey and you have to go on
Changing Spaces is a gripping tale of one woman self discovery ‘after she lost her life’ -a divorce after 40 years of marriage. Powerfully felt and beautiful written, full of sense and heart-wrenching sorrow, Changing Spaces by Nancy King is a novel that focuses on the bittersweet process of reinventing a new life for Laura, a 60 years old woman.

Zach and Laura’s story unfolds in a pattern of domination by a husband determined to assert his mastery over his wife. Her life grows very turbulent when her husband Zach breaks their marriage in the name of love for a younger woman. Laura does not understand how they ended up with a crumbling relationship.

Shocked, Laura runs from her husband and her past, into an airport shuttle that happens to be going to Santa Fe, where she meets three women whose friendship help her face her heartbreak, sense of, and despair.
She discovers ways to reconnect with her lost self as well as create a new and meaningful life.

By facing the need to make difficult choices. Laura transforms herself in surprising ways.

Will Zach and Laura resolve their marital crisis? If so, how? You will find the answers by reading Changing Spaces, a stunning book to be savoured in a quiet, reflective mood.

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Filed under: book covers, spotlight authors, spotlight books, Thoughts, Uncategorized Tagged: author spotlight, Authors PR Madi Preda, Authors PR Reviews, authors promotion, book showcase, Changing Spaces, difficult choices, life after divorce, must read 2014, Nancy King, NLP, relationships, reviews, romance, Santa Fe, self improvement, The Stones Speak, transformation after divorce, woman life
Changing Spaces by Nancy King
Changing Spaces by Nancy King
Changing Spaces by Nancy King
Changing Spaces by Nancy King
Changing Spaces by Nancy King
Changing Spaces by Nancy King

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