I planted a mighty array of beans a week or so ago. I had some runner beans that I saved and dried from last year, and some Galaxy ‘stringless’ from a packet. Next up were half a pack of borlottis that hadn’t done so well over winter and were a tad damp, some with sprouts, but I planted them up anyhow to take their chances. Last but not least were some dwarf french beans that have been in the seed draw for an indeterminable amount of time, and really needed to be used up.
I’m delighted to announce that first off the blocks are the runner beans I saved from last year’s crop, which incidentally had come from plants saved from the year before’s plants. We are now on to third generation runner beans… I’ll be selling them on eBay in a year or two’s time, as ‘heritage plants’.
My fortune awaits…
First off the block... champion runners