Now that Williams Syndrome Awareness Week has come to a close, I have made a few enhancements to my blog.
First, I have purchased my own domain. My blog link is now You can still get to it from the link, at least for the time being, but everything will eventually move over to this new address. If you are following me on blogger or through facebook links, this should be seamless for you. If you are typing in my address or using a bookmark, please make note of the change - or even better, you can use the follow function on the side bar or subscribe via rss or email to make sure that you don't miss any posts. Thank you for following along!
Next, because I had such an overwhelmingly positive response to my Williams syndrome series, I created a page dedicated to Williams syndrome and provided direct links to the 7 posts. You can find it on the top of my blog under the header. It's called, "What is Williams Syndrome?" Or, you can bookmark this direct link. I plan to update this page with some frequency so check it often and feel free to share this with family and friends.
Finally, I added two blog rolls to the side bar on the right. The first is a list of other WS family blogs. I love sharing stories and experiences. If you have a blog that I haven't listed, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it! The second is a list of other blogs that I really enjoy. These lists are sure to evolve as I discover more awesomeness so be sure to check back often and check them out.
Thanks again for reading my blog. I am really excited about these enhancements and I hope you enjoy them, too!