Business Magazine

Cell Phones and Cable TV Rights

Posted on the 28 June 2011 by Badmoneyblog @badmoneyblog
Cell phones and cable TV rightsSomewhere along the way, cell phones and cable TV became a right. Just like you have Miranda rights, we argue now that you now have luxury rights. How do we know this? Just drive into your town's public housing area.
Know someone living on section 8? We bet someone living in that home drives a nice fancy car, has a cell phone, and there is cable TV or a satellite dish out back providing all of those lovely channels in full HD. Yes, there are families living there that are absolutely living in poverty, there is no doubt about that.
However, when we are standing behind someone in line buying lobster with food stamps or shopping at 7-11 with their
EBT card, we cannot help but wonder what, as a society, we are doing.
Recently, we received word of a direct mailing in Virginia (and likely other states as well) alerting the masses of their possible qualification for a free cell phone and service. The mailing even included the application so that you do not have to do any legwork. How convenient. We are guessing this is what we call "government transparency" these days? . 
We wish that a mass mailing of business loan applications along with business license applications were direct mailed so that we would not have to look up this information myself. Crazy? So are free cell phones from the government.
Take an up-close look at the picture below and you will see a "How do you qualify". We have enlarged this section from the above letter to better display the qualifications to you. Since when does the government subsidize luxury items? Have cell phones really become a necessity in society?

Cell phones and cable TV rights
There are a lot of injustices in this world, but we need to look past all of that and see what we can all do together to get ahead. Join us as we explore topics like this and many others in the months to come.
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