Lifestyle Magazine

Celebrity Hen Nights to Aspire To?

By Claire

Celebrity hen night ideas to aspire to!

Whether we like to deny it or not, we idolise cer­tain celebri­ties and no mat­ter if they’re wear­ing a par­tic­u­lar dress out on the red car­pet or launch­ing a new per­fume, you might be the first out to buy it or try to repli­cate it. But what about using what celebri­ties are up to in other walks of their life to inspire you in your own? It might sound a lit­tle bit sad but I’m not talk­ing about the heady lev­els of those par­ents that named their chil­dren after what the Beck­hams had called theirs and so on, but instead using the pre-nuptial cel­e­bra­tions of the rich and famous to gain some great hen do ideas!

I’ve tried my hard­est to pick the best (and most influ­en­tial) of the bunch, so if you’re still in the plan­ning stages of your hen week­end and are lack­ing inspi­ra­tion, the famous hens below might be able to turn on the light bulb flick­er­ing above your head.

Kate Moss — a fes­ti­val celebrity hen party

An idol for many, Kate Moss embraced her love for music (she is now mar­ried to gui­tarist of The Kills, Jamie Hince after all) by throw­ing her hen party at the Isle of Wight fes­ti­val – and in the process also shown that she has quite a pen­chant for rum. Mahiki Rum to be par­tic­u­lar, as she and her pals got through 120 bot­tles of the stuff before fly­ing in another 180 by helicopter.

Lover of rum or not, could a fes­ti­val be the answer to your hen organ­is­ing trou­bles? You’ll just have to make sure that the dates coin­cide with your wedding!

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Lily Allen — cook­ery lessons for hens

Another huge star with a mas­sive fan base, Lily Allen’s choice of hen do is def­i­nitely one for the foodie in your friend group, as she received a cook­ing les­son from Gor­don Ram­say him­self before cel­e­brat­ing all night at the Savoy Grill… if one thing’s for sure, it’s that the food at her wed­ding had a lot to live up to!

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Jodie Kidd — a cul­tural hen week­end away

Okay so we’ve cov­ered food, music (and rum)… What more is there? Well if you find the idea of down­ing cock­tails, wear­ing a veil and danc­ing the night away with a Chip­pen­dale to be the oppo­site of the sort of thing you’d usu­ally indulge in, then how about sam­pling some cul­ture? Jodie Kidd made this her option and took her hen party to Mar­rakech – and with so many other options around the world, you won’t be hard pushed to find a cul­tural hen break yourself.

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Katy Perry — an enter­tain­ing hen party

Unfor­tu­nately her mar­riage to Rus­sell Brand didn’t last but it doesn’t take any­thing away from the hen do/bachelorette/whatever-you-want-to-call it Rihanna threw for her in Vegas. One for the adven­tur­ous party ani­mal, the big night even included a per­for­mance by Cirque du Soleil and left Katy the next day tweet­ing “sign­ing up for a liver trans­plant now…”

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Katie Holmes (and Tom Cruise) — joint stag and hen party

To round us off, how about a bit of an ‘alter­na­tive’ cel­e­bra­tion to indulge in? How­ever this is another now-divorced cou­ple so maybe it isn’t the best idea to choose – but if you can’t pos­si­bly be apart from each other for even a sin­gle night, then fol­low TomKat and have a joint stag and hen (or bach­e­lor and bach­e­lorette) party. They choose to have theirs in Rome the tra­di­tional night before get­ting mar­ried – I’m sure there were no sore heads in sight.

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Is that enough celebrity-endorsed inspi­ra­tion for you? I think all bases were cov­ered, so all I can say now is… happy hen planning!

Writ­ten by Richard Paul for Hen Heaven, the peo­ple that can arrange any­thing from a New­cas­tle hen do, to the types of things men­tioned above!

Celebrity hen nights to aspire to?

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