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We all say it.
Time flies.
Before you know it, my kids will be done with high school and college and I’ll be retired, sitting alongside my husband on a beach somewhere sipping something with an umbrella in it and attempting to play golf.
Well, that’s the dream, at least.
Yesterday marked six (6) years of blogging. Six years. It kind of blew me away this morning, but it reminds us what a love for something and a little discipline can do for us. At the minimum, I blog one day a week; most weeks, I blog twice. It’s not always easy coming up with things to write about, but the bottom line is, we do. As bloggers, we always have something in mind that makes us think or that we want to share with others.
As such, to commemorate these past six years, I decided to pull together the posts that get the most hits as sort of a “Best Of” celebration.
Thank you for following, commenting, and sharing Steph’s Scribe with others. I can’t wait to see what the next six years have in store.
BLOGGING has become part of who I am. I cannot imagine my life without it now.
Best of Steph’s Scribe
Birth – The Very First Post on Steph’s Scribe
A Little Game of No Repeat Fashion
Most Attractive Names
How Pinterest Helped with Our Home Renovation
Inn Significant Released
Beneath the Mimosa Tree Wins Readers’ Favorite Award
Instructions for Writing a Love Letter
Lessons from “The Holiday” and James Cameron
Political Opinion Posts and Friends
You Can’t Get There From Here
Learning from Conflict and Experiences & Oprah
Don’t Bring Negativity to My Doorstep
Stephanie Verni is Professor of Business Communication at Stevenson University and is the author of the newly released Inn Significant, Baseball Girl, and Beneath the Mimosa Tree. Along with her colleagues Leeanne Bell McManus and Chip Rouse, she is a co-author of Event Planning: Communicating Theory and Practice, published by Kendall-Hunt. To visit Stephanie’s Amazon Author page and see her books, click here.