mandala is an abstract design that is usually circular in form. It is a
Sanskrit word that means “circle”. Mandalas generally have one center
point from which radiate an assortment of shapes and designs.
I wanted to start with a bright background on my old CD, so I spray
painted it white. After it was dry, I brushed it with some watery glue
to make a more slippery surface. I learned that would help keep my
markers from plugging up later on.
2. After the glue was dry, I used
a ruler and pencil to estimate lines that would divide the CD into 8
equal sections. Younger students could use a template to do this.
Starting with just one section, I drew simple diamonds, circles, leaves
and curves to fill it up. When complete, I repeated the shapes in the
same manner until all 8 sections matched each other. After the pencil
lines were done, they were all traced with a fine tip black Sharpie
marker. Lastly, the shapes were all colored in with Sharpie markers,
taking care to keep the colors all symmetrical.