I'm a little bit in love with my gorgeous new Tea-set!
Since moving in to my own little flat I've come over all domestic, I'm now obsessed with home-ware, cook-ware and cleaning implements!
Purchases this month include cushion pads and bed sheets from John Lewis, an ironing board and laundry basket from argos and finally my little tea set from Cath Kidston (Ok I also bought some boots from Dorothy Perkins and made a sneaky fragrance direct order last night too, but we all have our relapses) I'm very much the happy homemaker.
I've been after a full tea set for ages, I already have six beautiful Royal Albert tea cups with saucers and side plates that my great Grandmother left me but I've been looking for months and I just can't find a matching Teapot. I also think I'd be too afraid to use them since they are so lovely and special (unless I get a visit from royalty of course) so I reserved a place for them in my future display cabinet and the search went on for a pretty but useable tea set which was a surprisingly difficult task I guess I'm behind on the trend perhaps.
I found this one in Cath Kidston but at £51 for everything pictured I ummed and ahhhed and decided it was a luxury I didn't really need to fork out for (woo go me and my self restraint!) a few weeks later I received £20 in an Easter card and went straight into Cath K deciding to buy just the teapot but to my delight the whole range was reduced and so I got the lot for £30!
So I'm a happy bunny indeed and I invite you all to a tea party at my house.