Today's Post is a review on a online Website . I would like to post a review on a website called which is a shopping website .
What is Cashkaro ?
Who doesn't like to Do Online Shopping these days ? is a Genuine Online Coupon Website that I have across these day's .
Lets Check how it Works :
Cashkaro has tie ups with many online store like flip-kart , snap-deal etc . All we have to do is , Just go to an online store through them and purchase the product that you love thro' the cashkaro website . Here is a pictorial on how cash Karo works .
- Create an Account with Cashkaro .com for Free
- Login to your Cashkaro Account .
- Check for the Onine shops tied with cashkaro .
- Select the Shop and go to the Online shop through cashkaro
- Shop the items you want to purchase and Check them out .
- All done !! Your items will be delivered at your door step soon . Keep looking for them
Check how your Cash back is paid :
- Once your shopping is done through cashkaro . The retailers pay the Cashkaro a commision for your purchase made through cashkaro .
- The Cashkaro rewards us with the Cashback
- The Cashback will be paide by Cash to your Cashkaro Account .
- You could redirect the Cash from the Account to your Bank account through Cheque or Net-transfer .
- Now you have recived your Cashback , all in Cash
How Wonderful ! Why Not join them and start your shopping for the Hoilday Season .How to Join ?
- Create an account with cashkaro here .
- Login to your Account and select the shops of your interest . ( They have some good deals going on now )
- They have some amazing Coupons too with some of their shops . Click on the link and you will be directed to the deal or Coupons that you have found .
- Add the required items that you desired to buy to the cart and then proceed to check out .
- Some discounts are obtained directly by shopping the product and other discounts are obtained by applying the coupons at the check out .
- Check them out . Do not worry about your Cash back as they will be tracked added to your account in the earnings section of your account .
- Once your Earnings have reached Rs 250 , You could request them for a cashback .
- Cashkaro will be happy to pay you to your bank Account through the check or Net transfer .
Why Cashkaro ?
- Life has become more easy with more online shopping coming up these days , particularly this website helps us to earn cash back for every product purchased through their website .
- Cashkaro is user friendly and easy to navigate as well .
- All you have to do is join cashkaro for free, Go to the retailer site from cashkaro and shop as usual and then all done ! .
- Cashkaro gives us a cash back once a threshold amount of Rupees 250 is reached .
Hope this review is helpful to all the Friends who love online shopping .
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