I feel like there’s no such thing as a happy ending if you want to have a good conflict and all those ingredients that create good tension. I wouldn’t say that Breaking Bad had a happy ending. However, I was very satisfied with it. There was a lot of controversy about that ending and I thought that was great because I feel like if people aren’t talking about something and they’re passionate about it and there’s good, healthy, excited conversation about it, then we have done our jobs and so I’m hoping that that will be the case with True Blood, that people will be invested in it and have a dialog about it and feel passionate about it.
But she did promise that Arlene would certainly rise to the challenges ahead in the upcoming episodes of True Blood, that she certainly is too strong a character to quit. And it’s a trait that Preston is proud of. The actor claims that it is Arlene’s ability to keep going, even when presented with what appears to be insurmountable obstacles that she personally aspires to.
And what of all that blood and gore – how does Carrie Preston cope with that?
Well, I’m on a very tame show compared to all of my other colleagues. I really haven’t had to encounter that much of that since I don’t traffic in the world of the vampires. That said, you know the season’s not over yet. So you can talk to me about it at the end of the season and I’ll probably have a little more to say.
You can read the full interview TVLine did with Carrie Preston by clicking here.
Source: TVLine - Carrie Preston Teases Final True Blood Season: Will There Be a Happy Ending?
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)