Today I've posted a couple of random, but vital, health facts in a very short blog post, including foods to enjoy, how to protect your heart and advice to lower cholesterol....
ARTICHOKES are rich in the phenolic compound CYNARIN, which reduces cholesterol, for a healthier heart and better digestion, according to the Atherosclerosis Journal.
Increase the digestion of KEY NUTRIENTS by 33%, if you eat PINEAPPLE on a regular basis.
When choosing your EGGS in the supermarket, go for LARGE ones, which are said to contain 14% less CHOLESTEROL, and 64% more VITAMIN D, compared with large eggs tested in 2002 (UD Department of Agriculture).
A study from the Journal of the American Medical Association found that, if you increase your intake of SELENIUM, of which you get 20% of your RDA with your EGGS in a morning, it can clear cancer-causing free radicals, in-turn, halving your risk of dying from cancer!
Enjoy a handful of WALNUTS each day to cut your risk of PROSTATE CANCER. A study done by scientists at UC Davis and the US Department of Agriculture Research Centre in California, say they lower blood levels of insulin-like growth factor, a protein which is associated with the disease.
More posts will be added in the coming weeks now I have the internet up and running properly. I hope you enjoy today's tips and find them useful, thank you for taking the time to read. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me.