Destinations Magazine

Canadian LiDAR Data

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Free & Open LiDAR Data Sources in Canada

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that many people consider to be relatively new (to find out more about about LiDAR including history, uses and the technology behind it … click here).Canadian LiDAR Data

However the use of LiDAR in geomatics dates back to the 1980s when the deployment of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) combined with inertial measurement units (IMU) allowed precise positioning of aircraft, provided the ability for airborne LiDAR surveying. So although it is not actually new technology it has recently become more common in geospatial related projects over the past few years.

LiDAR data can be pretty expensive, therefore is often not available in most open data catalogues. However times are changing, thanks to continuous improved technology, combined with increased supply and demand from the geospatial user community, we are starting to see more and more LiDAR data sets made available to the general public.

Since starting our Open Data Resources list in 2010, we have received thousands of requests to help people find various Canadian data to use with their geospatial projects. And in that time have started an unofficial list of places where LiDAR data that is available for the public to use.

Today we are making our list available to our readers in the hopes that more people can make use if this data and that the geospatial community might help add more sources to it.

We plan to continue update this list as we learn about more data and hope that if anyone knows of other free LiDAR data sources that we have missed then they will let us know so we can make those sources available to others.

Below are some of the many places on the web that provide  free LiDAR data downloads …

Alberta LiDAR Data

County of Grande Prairie, Alberta –
Fort McMurray, Alberta –
Beaver Hills, Alberta –
Taber, Alberta –
Utikuma Lake, Alberta –
Fox Creek, Alberta –
RMH-Sylvan, Alberta –

British Columbia LiDAR Data

Surrey, British Columbia –
Vancouver, British Columbia –
Upper Columbia River Basin East, British Columbia –

Manitoba LiDAR Data

La Salle watershed, Manitoba  (southern Manitoba) –

New Brunswick LiDAR Data
Canadian LiDAR Data

City of Saint John, New Brunswick

Various places in NewBrunswick (almost half of the Province) – The Province of New Brunswick has extensive LiDAR coverage covering  almost 40% of New Brunswick and recently decided to release nearly 30,000 square km of that LiDAR data free for public use (as well as all future LiDAR collected by the Province).

The LiDAR data is available from the GeoNB Data Catalogue and both an online map application and a Google Earth index file have been provided to help find the areas that currently have data available.

Nova Scotia LiDAR Data

Halifax, Nova Scotia –  offers digital elevation model (DEM) & digital surface model (DSM) created from LiDAR data

Various places in Nova Scotia – (currently includes Antigonish, Eskasoni, Hantsport, Shelburne, New Glasgow, Pictou County, and Lockeport with more areas becoming available soon via a new lidar download tool)

Ontario LiDAR Data

Toronto, Ontario –

Quebec LiDAR Data

Montreal, Quebec – LiDAR data collected in 2015 that covers the Island of Montreal and surrounding area is available from Montreal’s open data portal

Saskatchewan LiDAR Data

Swift Current, , Saskatchewan –
Various places in Saskatchewan –


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